22. How "Cinderella" Lost a (Glass Slipper) Sneaker

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(This chapters shorter than usual. Sorry ^^; I hope you enjoy it anyways!)

"Excuse me! But WHAT are you talking about?!" said a highly annoyed teen girl on the other end of the line. "Is this a prank phone call or something?"

"NO! This ISN'T a prank call! It's an EMERGENCY! Um, is this 911?" I asked, confused.

"Sorry, but this is Queasy Cheesy! If you're trying to call 911, you dialed the wrong number! Good-bye!"

"WAIT!! Don't hang up! We're just TRYIN' to order a pizza! With cheesy breadsticks!" said a very familiar voice. "I got a thirty-percent-off coupon."

"Don't forget the buffalo wings!" a voice in the background chimed in.

"Right! And buffalo wings, too!"

It was Tucker and Moose! I couldn't believe they were actually ordering a pizza, cheesy breadsticks, and wings while burglarizing the school!

"I'll leave the money in an envelope at the front door of South Ridge Middle School, and you can just leave my order, okay? We're working here late tonight. Now, did you get all of that? I don't want you getting confused and screwing up my order," Moose said.

"Excuse me, but YOU'RE the one who's totally CONFUSED! Do you want to order pizza, or do you have an emergency? You really need to make up your mind! I'm supposed to be on break right now," the girl on the phone explained impatiently.

"Who said anything about an emergency?" Moose asked, starting to get irritated.

I tried to deepen my voice. "Yo! This is . . . ME, um . . . the pizza delivery GUY! And I have an emergency! I'm out of pizza . . . um, delivery . . . boxes?!"

"Oh, really! So THIS must be Michael, right? My BFF, Emily, said you broke up with her at lunch today for no reason!" the girl said angrily.

"Actually, I'm NOT Michael! I'm the . . . um, OTHER pizza delivery guy, okay?" I lied.

"Don't LIE to me, Michael! You might lie to Emily, but don't even try that with ME."

"Listen, lady! How long will it take before you'll be delivering our order? We're STARVING!" Moose whined.

"Um, can I please speak to the manager, then?" I pleaded. "About my, um . . . pizza box situation?"

"You don't NEED to talk to the manager right now, Michael! You NEED to be talking to EMILY!"

"But I'm NOT Michael! And I DON'T want to talk to Emily!"

"Are we going to get that free order of extra-spicy wings like the TV commercial says?!" Tucker asked.

"You know what, Michael? Just forget it! Emily is SO over you!"

CLICK!! (That's when the phone went dead!)

CLICK!! (That's when the phone went dead!)

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