{1} Scott's... Different [✓]

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The ceiling was very bland-looking. That's what Malina had come to realize after staring at it for the past hour. Sleeping was something that wasn't going to be easy for her tonight it seems. Probably because of what tomorrow was. The first day back to school. Summer had gone by way too fast for the girl's liking. I guess what they say is true. Time passes by when you're having fun. She just went that it went a little slower sometimes. It felt like things were speeding along too fast for the brunette to keep up with.

Nerves were all Malina felt when she thought about school. She didn't know why she was so nervous. She had a decent school life. She had friends she could hang out with, her grades were always really good, and she was always able to keep up with her work. It was something Malina had inherited from her father. Her mother was never good at school. The woman hated school with a passion when she had to go. She would always tell Malina's father that she would much rather be anywhere else. Malina's mother was what Malina, and everyone who knew the woman, considered to be a restless soul.

Speaking of restless, Malina was feeling a little restless as well. Maybe she should go on a walk. That will probably help her out a lot. So Malina got up and grabbed her coat that was laying on the back of her desk chair. Grabbing her phone, she slowly and quietly made her way out of her room. The house had some boards that squeaked when you touched them so she had to be very careful. She didn't want to get caught by her mom while trying to sneak out.

Would her mom be upset about her going out this late? Probably not. Malina's mother was a very laidback person. She was one of the cool parents that would let her kid do almost anything as long as it wasn't dangerous or illegal. If Malina asked to go out then her mom would most likely say yes. Still, she didn't want to take that chance. If there was one thing Malina knew about her mother, it was that she could be pretty unpredictable. She changed her mind a lot and sometimes for no reason. Malina's mother always said that it was a gut instinct to change her mind so suddenly... And she was usually right when it came to her gut instincts.

The first few stairs didn't make a sound when Malina stepped on them. A smile spread across her face as she got closer and closer to the end of the stairs. It wasn't until the last stair that a loud squeak sounded throughout the house. Not long after that, the sound of a light switch flipping on filled Malina's ears. The room flooded with light and Malina froze. She had been caught.

An inaudible sigh escaped Malina. She might as well reveal herself. Who knows? Her mother could easily activate her magic and attack her, not knowing that it was her daughter and not an intruder. Malina stepped off the last stair and walked into the hallway beside the staircase. Standing right beside the hallway light switch was her mother, Aria. Aria had her arms crossed over her chest with an eyebrow raised at the girl.

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