{3} Awkward Conversations

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It was quiet in Mr. Harris's class while the students worked. All of them didn't want to talk because then Mr. Harris would get onto them. Mr. Harris could be a complete jerk in Malina's opinion. Malina's attention kept getting dragged away by the only two people in class talking. She looked up to see it was her two best friends, Scott and Stiles. No surprise there.

Malina wasn't the only one who noticed them talking, "Mr. Stilinski," Everyone looked at Stiles as Mr. Harris called him out, "If that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while," Stiles scoffed, "I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?"

"No," Stiles replied. Mr. Harris gestured for them to move away to different seats. They begrudgingly did so.

"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much." Mr. Harris told them.

Stiles ended up sitting beside Malina, who smiled at him, "Hey." This was also a pretty bad combination in the class of people who should sit together. Malina remembers a time in fourth or fifth grade when the two would talk all throughout the class. The teacher got mad and ended up calling their parents. Malina didn't really get in trouble with her mom. Her mom honestly thought it was funny when the ten-year-old told her that they were only talking about what they wanted to do besides be at school. Her father on the other hand ended up scolding her a little bit.

Harley, the girl Scott was sitting beside, suddenly stood up, "Hey, I think they found something." Everyone stood up and ran to the window. They could see paramedics rolling someone on a gurney to the waiting ambulance. The man was unconscious until he suddenly shot up and screamed. Everyone in the classroom jumped or screamed. Malina jumped back into Stiles who looked down at her. What had happened to that man?


After the whole classroom incident, the whole school was talking about the man and what could have happened to him. Some theories were simple while others were so insane that there was no one that it could be possible. That's saying a lot coming from a girl who has a family of fairy tale characters. It was now lunch and Malina had gotten her tray. Malina walked over to sit with Stiles and Scott. Lydia followed her.

"We'll figure it out." The girls heard Stiles say. The girls sat down their stuff on the table making the boys look at them. They looked shocked when they noticed that Lydia was sitting with them. Of course, Malina would sit with them occasionally, but Lydia? Never in a million years.

Malina sat down, "Hey, guys."

"Figure what out?" Lydia asked them.

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