{2} Victory and Confusion [✓]

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The strange encounter with Stiles at Lydia's party stayed in Malina's mind for a while. She had wondered what happened to make him change so quickly. He had seen something, but what was it? He looked like he had been really freaked out by whatever it was. He wasn't the only person acting weird either. Scott was too. Scott, who had been trying to make it on first line for a long time now, made it to first line and then was planning on backing out on the upcoming game. It was all that was being talked about at the moment. It surprised Malina a lot since she knew how much he had been wanting to actually play in a game.

To be expected, Lydia had been very upset when hearing about Scott backing out of the game. The strawberry blonde was obsessed with winning the game and if Jackson wasn't going to step up then she expected Scott too. So hearing that he wasn't going to be playing sent her over the edge. She had freaked out to Malina about it for what felt like hours. That led them to the current moment in algebra.

It was normal for their teacher to choose people to come up and solve problems on the board. This time, the people up at the board were Lydia and Scott. While everyone was trying to do their work, Malina wasn't. She sucked at any kind of math, English was always more her speed. It was something she actually understood, unlike what they were doing now. Malina's attention was on Lydia and Scott. The two of them were talking and it was clear that Scott wasn't liking the way the conversation was going.

After the conversation was seemingly over, Lydia set down the piece of chalk she had been using and walked back to her seat beside Malina when her problem was done. The brunette decided to use this chance to ask her about what she had just seen. Malina leaned over and asked, "What were you talking about up there?"

The reaction given to her was very in character for Lydia. The girl turned to Malina with a devious smile, "Just giving him some encouragement." That was all it took for Malina to know exactly what they were talking about. The game. Lydia had obviously tried to manipulate Scott in some way so that he would be in the game. The only question is... What did Lydia say that made Scott look so worried?


Given the chance, Malina would rather be anywhere else but here. She and Lydia had come to the hospital for Jackson. He ended up hurting his shoulder during practice so they came with him to get it checked out. Malina didn't like hospitals. They've always freaked her out ever since a certain incident. The incident being when her mom's mother (who she refused to refer to as her grandmother) manipulated her into believing that her father had given up on his family and then used a spell, using Malina's tear, to awaken her mother's other half-sister (who her mom didn't know was her half-sister) which in turn put Malina into a coma. After a situation like that, Malina avoided hospitals for good reason.

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