39 | All For One: The Gift

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I thought about escaping.

I really did conceder it.

The thing is, I have unfinished business. I want the police to think I'm on their side. It's the only chance I have at seeing Todoroki again and maybe convincing the public justice system that I'm innocent.

Bitterly I stand my ground outside the 'abandoned' warehouse. Pro heroes and teams of police already have the place surrounded, ready to fight. Tsukauchi refuses to leave me unattended like I need babysitting or something.

I'm aware most eyes are studying me as well as the pro hero All Might who is about to break into the building along with other pros I honestly don't care enough to learn their names.

"Are you sure the villains are in there, Suzuki?" Tsukauchi asked for reassurance for like the fifth time.

"Shh! He's about to Smash!" I shushed the detective.


With one single punch, All Might bust through the brick wall.

The pro who uses Wood Jutsu shouted "LAQUER PRISON" and easily captured all the villains. They were all exactly where I left them.

"There's nowhere for you to run Villain Alliance... Why do you ask? FOR WE ARE HERE!" All Might boomed his words loudly with pride.

The fight is out of my view, I can't see any of it, unfortunately. I just wanna see Tomura get his ashy ass kicked. And maybe witness Dabi get smashed real good too.

Better yet, smash Dabi myself.

I listen closely to the yells that come from inside the building.

"I wasn't scared, goddamnit!" Yep, that's Bakugou. So he's safe now, it seems. I feel relief like a rock was lifted off my chest. It is not like I expected the League to hurt him or anything! I grind my teeth at myself.

"Tsukauchi!!!!! Why's Stars and Stripes in there while I have to stay outside!!?" The pro hero Endeavor screamed at the detective who stood three feet away from him. The No.2 Hero isn't on my list of favorite people. I'd rather be in a jar of pickle juice than stand next to this burning pile of crap.

As if to say I'm not on his list either, Endeavor sent me an angry look that was probably supposed to be a suspicious glance.

I bristled.

"Warp in as many as you can!!!" Tomura's voice yelled.

At the sound of Tomura's raspy yell, my body became even more rigid. Everyone around me had the same reaction. We all expected an onslaught of something to attack. But nothing happened.

That is, not until a loud scream emanated from Tomura. It sounded full of anguish and hatred.

"Nomus?!" Wood Jutsu guy confirmed my suspicions. We are indeed being attacked by the humanoids.

Sounds of chaos ensue in the bar. Yells from the heroes grow panicked the villains now seem to have the upper hand. Beside me, head flowed off of Endeavor in waves. I can tell he's excited by the prospect of fighting the powerful villains.

My glaring at the Hero is so rudely interrupted when a choking sensation overcomes me. I try to breathe in the air but I'm not able to. My lungs and esophagus are quickly filled with oozy liquid that makes me want to gag.

I double over and vomit up black ooze. Yells from Tsukauchi reach my ears but soon they're drowned out as I'm engulfed in the reeking black stuff.

The horrible feeling of drowning subsides and after a few seconds, I quit coughing and dry gagging too. Peeking my eyes open I realize the secret bar is no longer in sight. Somehow I've been taken away. I've never seen this type of transportation quirk before.

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