getting apology from bodil chapter 2

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Simon P.O.V.

Simon: agh Why does bodil have to punch me a lot when we are doing parkcore. Why me!?!? *sighs* I just have to get away from bodil just for a few days or weeks but I get a feeling of something in my heart it must be nothing.

(The Next Day)

Simon: *wakes up* awwwww is it morning already. Wow today is really a nice day I think I should go and make breakfast and do exercise a little.

(Goes to take a shower and dress up and makes breakfast and gets his shoes and goes to the door but he open the door and see bodil in front of the door)

Simon: *gasps* BODIL!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?

Bodil40: I came here for.........*looks away* I came here to apologize to you from what happen yesterday.

Simon: *gasps* What!?! Why would you do that? When you all the sudden apologizing to me? You never apologized to me before bodil.

Bodil40: I know, I know and the guys said that I took it to far but I want make it up to you somehow.!Oh I know! Why don't I take you to the team crafted. They invited us to visit them and hangout at minecon with ghost and baki with us.

Simon: WHAT REALLY!?!? Ill go with you, but Im still mad at you.

Bodil40: I know Simon but atleast I making it up to you.

Simon: Yea at least you are making up to me. (Smile at bodil)

Bodil40: (smiles back at Simon) OK Next week on Wednesday we are going to California to enjoy a little vacation.

Simon: OK. (Laugh a little and gets a feelings in his heart again)

(The Next Day)

Simon: (wakes up goes to his regular route) Well I guess I should stop thinking about what happen yesterday and stop thinking of bodil but why do I miss him? Well I don't know what is this but this not right oh well.

Bodil40 P.O.V

Bodil40: Well I can't believe I did that to Simon for the first time ever but I have to, he's like a little brother. (Gets this a feeling of something in his heart) What is this feeling in my heart? Well I don't know what is this but I don't care.

(Meanwhile when bodil is looking from a parkour map)

Bodil40: *sighs* What should I do now to pass time? is so boring doing nothing here. Well I can continue with my survival with Simon because he has all the diamonds that we found in the survival. I should call him in Skype and ask him if he can play a little with me.

(Gets to his computer and see if he was on and he was on and call him)


(Ukyo: This where I gonna stop here cya guys)

(Created by amnesia ukyo-sama)
(Editor: Tushiro)

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