Where am I? chapter 11

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Bodil40 P.O.V.

(They were talking until bodil looked around and noticed that Simon wasn't there with them)

Bodil40: Simon? Oh no.

Sky: huh What is it bodil?

Bodil40: I lost Simon!

Sky: WHAT!? I thought he was with us all the time.

Bodil40: I thought so too but he not with us. I'm getting worried now.

Sky: don't worry bodil we'll find him I'll just call Ty that we are gonna be late OK or want them to find Simon too?

Bodil40: is fine with me but we have to look for Simon. Let's get together with the others.

Sky: OK let's go.

(Bodil and Sky went running to the cafeteria were everybody is)

Ty P.O.V.  (short)

(Ty was talking to his friends until he hear steps coming close, he turn around and it was bodil and Sky running towards to them)

Ty: woah why you guys are running?

Bodil40: (sighs deeply) we lost Simon. (Sighs deeply)

Ty: WHAT!? YOU GUYS LOST SIMON!! (he stood up quickly)

Jason: You did what. You lost Simon?

Sky: Yes. We thought he was behind us but I guess we weren't paying attention.

Baki: How? We have to find him.

Ian: Hey how about you call him and see where is he.

Bodil40:(looks at Ian and then hit himself in the forehead)

Ghost: don't tell you didn't thought about that my gosh bodil I can't believe it.

(Baki hit Ghost in the head)

Ghost: ow what was the was that for?

Baki: be serious. We have to find Simon. Bodil call Simon.

Bodil40: OK. (He calls Simon but there wasn't no answer) he didn't pick up.

Tyler: I guess Simon phone ran out of batteries. What now?

Ian: we spilt in to two groups OK.

Tyler: that seen good.

Ian: Tyler you go with Jason, Ghost you with baki, Sky you go with me OK.

Sky: OK. And bodil?

Ian: bodil is going with Ty.

(Ty's thoughts: hearing this is making me worry but I'm not the only one who is worry about Simon *looks at bodil* I though so. He also is worry about Simon)

Ty: OK so let's go and find Simon. When one of you finds Simon call us. OK.

Everybody: Yes, Yep,Yes.

(Everybody went separate ways to find Simon)

Simon. P.O.V.

Simon: where am I? Where is bodil and Sky? Did I get lost? Oh no WHAT SHOULD I DO!? (Looks around to see if he see bodil but he didn't find him)

Squiddy P.O.V. (short)

(We were walking around until I see Simon over there looking confused)

Squiddy: Hey is that Simon over there?

Ukyo: Squiddy are you sure?

Tushiro: Squiddy he can't be here like that. He a minecraft YouTuber.

(Squiddy pointed at Simon)

Squiddy: see.

Ukyo: I stand incorrect.

Tushiro: I can't believe it.

(We walk to Simon to check him out)

Simon P.O.V.

(He was looking around until he felt something on his shoulder)

Simon: bodil?

Ukyo: no Simon.

(He turn around and see two boys and the girl before) 

Simon: Oh Is you again Squiddy right?

Squiddy: Yea. What are you doing here Simon?

Simon: umm I got myself lost.

Tushiro: you are lost in minecon.  Kesese that's hilarious!

Ukyo: Tushiro don't be mean to Simon.

(Ukyo hit Tushiro in his shoulder)

Tushiro: ow OK OK.

Ukyo: anyway you are here in the gift shops.

Simon: I can see that but I don't where my friends are

Squiddy: why don't you call your friend Simon.

Simon: I did but my phone ran out of battery. Wait can I use your phone.

Ukyo: we don't have our phones at the moment.

Tushiro: we may be older but we left our phones at home so we don't get distracted at minecon.

Squiddy: we only our iPhone but these doesn't have data on.

Simon: Oh well thank you for your help.

Squiddy: well can help you anyway.

Simon: Thank you guys when we get back I will let you to visit the team crafted home.

(To be continue………)

(Created by: -amnesia-ukyo-sama-)
(Editor by: Tushiro)

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