lost in minecon chapter 10

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Simon P.O.V.

(We left the hotel and then things  got a little weird. They start singing what's on the radio even me I start singing)

Ty: Hey isn't it Jason car?

Bodil40: it can't be, the car is too little haha.

Ty: that's not it, there. (He pointed at the limousine)


Ty: I know, I just want to see your reaction. I got you.

Simon: hahaha bodil you got troll. (Laughs like a dolphin)

Bodil40: very funny.

(Almost half a hour)

Mitch: we are here.

Simon: really?

Mitch: Yes Simon we are here.

Simon: yay let's go, let's go!

Sky: woah hold on we have to wait for Jason to get here.

Simon: Oh OK I can wait.

(We waited for Jason to come)

Ian: there is Jason.

Jason: Hi guys sorry I was late. I was picking Tyler up.

Sky: is okay. Well what are we waiting here let's go.

Tyler: Wow minecon got better then the last time.

Simon: Wow so big.

Ghost: so big. Well let's get going and lest see our fans rights guys.

Baki: Yea I can't wait to see how they react when they see us.

Sky: well if you guys want to see our fans come with us.

(They walk towards to stand of team crafted)

Sky: we are here. This is the team crafted sign booth and we are going announce that you guys and see who want a autograph from you guys.

Tyler: that right even we got pictures of you guys.

Simon: Oh really I can't wait.

(They start of signing the pictures and is the other people turn)

Ian: next.

Ukyo: Hi SSundee.

Ian: Hi what is your name?

Ukyo: my name is Ukyo and can you sign this? Oh is bodil40 here?

Ian: Yes and yes he right over there.

Ukyo: thank you SSundee is that my friend Squiddy wants to see him in person and she gets shy around meeting new people.

Ian: I see well see you later.

Ukyo: thank you SSundee bye. Hey guys bodil is here.

Tushiro: but of course they will be here Ukyo.

Ukyo: OK let just make line for Squiddy. Are you excited?

Squiddy: Yes I am Ukyo. Ahh I can't wait to see bodil and his friends ahh. (She smile so bright)

Bodil40: next.

Squiddy: Hi bodil Nice to meet to you.

Bodil40: Hi what is your name?

Squiddy: my name is Squiddy. Is Simon here?

Bodil40: he went to the restroom Oh never mind there he come.  Hi Simon.

Simon: phew the line was long but I made it oh what is your name?

Bodil40: her name is Squiddy and she want to us to sign this picture.

Simon: Oh really OK.

Squiddy: thank you guys can I have a picture with you guys?

Simon: sure.

(They took a picture and then Sky came here to said something)

Sky: OK guys we are gonna take a break OK.

Bodil40: OK bye Squiddy.

Squiddy: bye guys.

(She left)

Simon: what are we gonna do Sky?

Sky: were are gonna eat, alrighty?

Bodil40: OK let's go.

(We walk for a while bodil was talking to Sky and I was walking behind them) (Simon saw something on the stand. He got himself distracted when he look back bodil and Sky were gone)

Simon: bodil? Sky? Where did you guys went? Oh my gosh I lost them. (He start running) (sigh deeply) where are they? Did I get myself lost in minecon?

(To be continue…………)

(Created by: -amnesia-ukyo-sama-)
(Editor by: Tushiro)

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