where are you Simon chapter 12

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Bodil40 P.O.V.

Bodil40: where could Simon be?

(We were walking around the minecon looking for Simon but nothing)

Ty: Man where could have Simon went? (While looking around)

Bodil40: Yea I'm getting really worried Ty I need to find him.

Ty: I know bodil. Is okay we'll find him in no time. (Looks a bodil and smile)

Bodil40: Yea we'll.

(We were still looking for Simon but nothing)

Bodil40: God damnit, where is he?

Ty: OK calm down.


Ty: please calm down.

Bodil40: NO!!

(Ty just punch me in the face due to fact that he was very frustrated and I fell on the ground and then Ty grab my collar pull me up and put his face close to mine)

Ty: bodil just calm the fuck down OK?! we are gonna find him and you'll see him OK.

(He said in a tone of frustrated)

Bodil40: OK OK I'll calm down.

(Ty let's go of bodil)

Ty: good now let's find Simon.

(Bodil nod and went off to search for Simon)

Simon P.O.V.

Simon: (sigh) so where should we go?

Ukyo: well we can to go to the place you were going OK?

Simon: I was going to the food court with my friends.

Squiddy: I know where is it. Let's go.

(Squiddy Grabs Simon arm and speed walk to the food court.)

Tushiro: there she goes, we better follow them.

Ukyo: Yea shall we?

Tushiro: why not, lest go.

(They go to the food court and non of Simon's friends were there)

Tushiro: Damn, they are not here!

Simon: awww. I'm guessing they are looking for me but I don't know where are they right now.

Ukyo: is okay we will find your friends Simon.

Simon: thank you Ukyo.

(To be continue......)

(Created by:-amnesia-ukyo-sama-)
(Editor by: Tushiro)

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