keep a secret from Ty chapter 8

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Simon P.O.V.

Ty: OK guys times up. (He see Simon and bodil kissing) What the HECK!?!?

(They both gasps by surprise of Ty saw us kiss)

Simon: I can explain.

Ty: No I'm gonna tell everybody that you are a couple. (Ty goes to the door nob put he felt something on his shoulder. It was bodil)

Bodil40: please let us explain. Please Ty.

Ty: (sigh)Fine OK. (He close the door and goes to a chair and sits down)

(They explained to Ty everything)

Ty: alrighty, I'll promise not to tell anyone! . (He smile at them)

Simon: so you gonna promise that you won't tell to nobody that we are a couple.

Ty: Yep I won't tell nobody.

Simon: thank you deadlox.

Ty: let's go downstairs before everybody starts get curious.

Simon: OK.

(They follow Ty to downstairs and everybody look at them)

Jason: did something happen Ty?

Ty: No Jason.

Jason: ahhhhh that disappointing well let's continue the game now.

(They play a lot rounds and it's was time to everybody to go home)

Sky: bye guys.

Everybody: bye.

Ian: OK they are gone and now we clean now. (Looks back and everybody fell a sleep) dang it. (All the sudden Ian fell a sleep too)

Bodil40 P.O.V.

Bodil40: (wakes up in the midnight) ow what time is it? Oh I remember we all fell asleep. (He see Simon on the floor) how cute, Simon fell asleep too. (He goes to Simon pick him up and goes to Ty to ask where is the guest bedroom of me and Simon)

Bodil40: PST Ty wake up.

Ty: hmm what?

Bodil40: I just want to where is our bedroom?

Ty: Oh Yea there is a problem.

Bodil40: what is it?

Ty: their is only one bedroom but the bed is a king size bed.

Bodil40: Oh their isn't no problem with that as long we got space.

Ty: OK I will show you to the bedroom.

(Bodil follow Ty to the bedroom)

Ty: see the bed is king size. Oh you guys owe me OK.

Bodil40: Oh right, I owe one OK.

Ty: OK that seem fair. See ya tomorrow.

Bodil40: OK goodnight.

(He lay Simon down and goes to the bathroom and change. He finish changing he went to bed with Simon and he look at Simon and whisper to him)

Bodil40: goodnight Simon. (He kiss on his forehead and sleep)

(To be continue......)

(Ukyo: OK this where I gonna leave here cya)
(Tushiro: so fucking sugoi!!! Cx )

(Created by: -amnesia-ukyo-sama-)
(Editor by: Tushiro)

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