ready to go chapter 9

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(In the morning bodil wakes up and see that Simon wasn't there)

Bodil40: (wakes up) Hey where's Simon?

(He gets out of bed and went downstairs to see if he went to have breakfast with team crafted)

Bodil40: Simon? Are you here?

(He see Simon at kitchen counter eating with Ty and Ian)

Ty: good morning. How you slept last night?

Ian: morning.

Bodil40: morning guys, I slept fine last night.

Simon: morning bodil. Want some omelette?

Bodil40: sure.

(They all ate and Ian ask bodil something)

Ian: Hey bodil are ready?

Bodil40: for what?

Ian: to go to minecon.

Ty: I can't believe you forgot.

Simon: that's bodil. Well I'm gonna get ready.
Ian: OK Simon. Well I should the same thing see ya later.

(Simon and Ian went upstairs to get ready. Meanwhile at the kitchen)

Ty: OK so tell me why do you like Simon?

Bodil40: ah I don't know my heart was telling that do you love Simon and that is should go after him.

Ty: Oh Wow really that's sweet.

Bodil40: Yea when we are with friends or public I act the same always but when we are alone we get a little lovey-dovey and stuff.

Ty: my God you really love Simon.

Bodil40: Yea I do.

Ty: OK (he gets up from he chair and said to bodil) Let's get ready for minecon.
Bodil40: OK.

(They both went upstairs to get ready)

(Few minutes later)

(Sky was downstairs waiting for everybody to get downstairs)

Sky: Hey guys come on we are gonna be late.

Mitch: I'm coming.

Jerome: I'm ready Sky.

Jason: I'm here and ready to go.

Ian: I'm here.

Sky: where Ty, bodil and Simon?

Ian: they still getting ready.


Jerome: damn Sky you yell like hell ha-ha.

(Meanwhile upstairs)

Ty: damn Sky yell so loud that other neighbor can hear. OK I have to tell them to finish dressing.

Bodil40 P.O.V.

Bodil40: OK Simon are you ready yet?

Simon: No not yet.

Bodil40: OK hurry up because you heard Sky.

Simon: Yea I heard. Man Sky yell so hard.

Bodil40: Yea.

(Door opens)

Ty: come on ready to go.

Simon: I'm done.

Bodil40: finally you took so long Simon.

Simon: Hey is not my fault.

Bodil40: I know and that why I love you. (Kiss him on Simon lips)

Simon: (gasps by surprise)

Ty: that sweet now let's go before Sky kick the door.

(Kick the door down)

Ty: too late. Me and my big fat mouth.

Sky: come on guys, you guys take so long.

Bodil40: we already done we were going downstairs.

Sky: Oh sorry. So shall we go?

Bodil40: Yes Sky.

(They left the house and drive to the hotel that ghost and baki were)

Mitch: I got ghost and baki.

Ghost & baki: Hi, Hey.

Jason: ready to go guys.

Baki: Yes we are.

(To be continue.........)

(Created by: -amnesia-ukyo-sama-)
(Editor by: Tushiro)

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