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Surprising would be the first word and feeling for people who saw King Beast's youngest son taking several breaths to calm his nerves.

Not more than an hour before he and Carter had been requested by the Tourney coach, not only to ask them to play in the upcoming game, which they accepted with gratitude, but Andrew was in charge of letting Carlos and Jay know that both had been admitted to the team and handed over their new jerseys.

Taking a last breath and knocking on the door in front of him, Jafar's son had opened it.

"Andrew?" Jay asked with a tone of surprise in his voice.

Hearing the name of the boy with brown hair, caused a tingling in the mouth of the stomach of the daughter of Maleficent, who had never felt anything like it before, she tried to act as normal as she could.

"Hey, Jay." Andrew greeted when he noticed that he was welcome to go into the room and say hello to the rest of the Vk's, taking longer in the purple-haired girl. "I just came to tell you that you and Carlos were accepted into the team," he said as he gave each boy's his jerseys.

Andrew never expected a reaction of affection from Jafar's son, he used to believe that this kind of thing could come more from Carlos, but when Jay embraced him for his celebration and happiness, Andrew did not know how to feel and quickly looked for Something more to talk about.

"I see that you're doing well with Dude," he said to Carlos, while stealing glances out of the corner of Mal's eye.

"Yes, he really is a good boy," Carlos said as he stroked the dog that was on his side, earning a smile from Andrew. "Thanks for helping me," the white-haired boy admitted.

"Thanks are not necessary, as I told you, I will help you as much as possible." Andrew was surprised when Carlos thanked him for something so insignificant at least for him. "I know it has not been easy for you to adapt, but if I can advise you something especially that I know the feeling that other people judge you, do not pay attention to what they will say about you, what matters is what you believe is correct, there will always be people who do not agree with you. "

His words were a great impact for the four descendants of villains, but what he himself did not notice was that while speaking his eyes never took off a pair of green eyes, but that did not go unnoticed for three of the five people in that room .

And Andrew left without waiting for an answer from any of the people in that room.


Little was the time that the four children of the villains had after the departure of Andrew, to be replaced quickly by the presence of his brother.

Thanks to Evie everyone had learned that what they most wanted would be used in the coronations, who had suffered the reproachful looks of his friends for having kept that information up to that moment and only worrying about what he would be able to do, before anyone could claiming something were interrupted again.

"How are you ?, Mal." Ben said with a nervous smile. "I did not see them today and they asked me if they have any questions or if there is anything they need."

"Not that I know," Mal said as she looked at her friends.

"Andrew helped me with the Tourney training today and he was here before you arrived," said Carlos as he watched King Beast's eldest son.

"Really?" Ben was surprised at the information, but quickly covered it. "That's good, if you want something, just ..." he said with a smile, to be interrupted.

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