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I haven't talk to Nyla since yesterday... which was undoubtedly pleasant. And Michael has been home for a good month now. Luca is actually going to apply for college. And I am... not. I'm taking a gap year. And my dad's fine w that so it's all good.

I woke up today, knowing I was going to see Nyla because woopty fuckin doo. It's school. I put on some jean shorts and a hoodie. I looked in the mirror at my hair and shrugged. It was in a messy bun from me moving in my sleep. But it looked fine to me. I threw on my Nike slides and went on downstairs to the kitchen. Since we've moved into my parents real house it's been a lot of stair climbing. The boys and dad were down there talking but stopped when they saw me. I ignored them and went to the refrigerator grabbing a bottle of water. They all mumbled something to each other which upset me a little.

"Lucas let's go!" I said walking towards the door.

"I don't have a S in my name so I'll wait."

"I don't care. You know more than anyone that I fucking hate it when people do that. Fuck you."

I walked out and to the car. His car. To which I have the keys. So I got in and got myself to school.

When I got there, I was greeted by some familiar ass faces.

"Lexington, come here." My dad said, clearly angry well BITCH ME TOO

"Nah you good. See you when I get home dad, love you."

"You can't steal your brothers car."

"It's right there... he can see it... it ain't gone." I said with a smirk before walking into the building.

He groaned in frustration. But I don't care. That's fuckin rude. My mother didn't like that shit, the fuck make him think I like that shit.

"Lexi!!" I heard Luca call. "Lexington."

"What douche?"

"Bro it wasn't even like that. My god!!!!! Can I have my fucking keys back?!"

"No douche." I said before walking off.

It's not easy to make me mad but it's not hard either. But once I'm there bitch it's over for yo ass. I'm not gonna sit here and keep taking bullshit.

I got to class and same old same old. But Nyla wasn't here. So I texted her.

- babyyy where are you :(
NyBear🧸- I'm sorry love. I can't come in today?

So I called her because I'll be fuckin damned if my baby is all sad and stuff and I'm stuck in a bullshit ass school worrying from a distance. I'm an up close and personal worrier.

FaceTime Connecting

I stepped outside before the screen came in.

"Nyla." I called. She wasn't showing her face. And she knows I love her face.

"Yes." Her voice cracked.

"I'll be there soon, baby. I love you. Okay?"

"Okay." She said crying harder.

I frowned, feeling my eyes get watery.

"Okay baby. Bye."


I had exactly 3 minutes to get the fuck out before I'm trapped in. So I ran for the front doors.

Nyla was crying really bad. Like the painful cry when you're hurt. Like someone stabbed you in the back and ripped your heart to shreds and that's just never okay.

"Where are you going? The bell is about to ring." The principal called.

"Serious Emergency."

I ran to the car and got in. But I needed to calm down before I could drive. And figure out where to get food because girls always know what they want.

After I picked up food for me and my lady, I went straight to her house. Unlocking the door with key, I went straight to her room.


Her sniffs turned into cries again. I rushed to her bed and wrapped myself around her, sitting against the wall with her between my legs while she cried on my chest.

"Nyla, oh my goodness. Baby what happened?"

"They want me to leave again."

"Well if you do, I'm coming too."

"No. I'm not moving again. I can't.

"It's already weird that have me out here on some type of Visa. I don't even know. I just don't wanna go."

"Well then don't baby."

"He's trying to make me."

"I'm sure your Bah Bah is just doing what he THINKS is best for you. Maybe you need to tell him... it's hurting you."

"I know but.... none of it makes sense."

"Baby what do you think is happening? Like they're obviously not providing enough information. What do you think they're not telling you?"

"They don't want but can't because I'm 18. I don't know cuz that still doesn't make sense."

"Baby, it's okay. I'll be right here the whole time."

"But what if I lose everybody? Like what if in the end, I'm all alone again? With no one." She said.

"No, baby. Come here." I said grabbing her face. "I'm not going anywhere. I've wanted you since I first saw you. I'm not going to just let some family b.s. stop me from loving you or you loving me. You're more than just my girlfriend Nyla. You're my best friend, my reason, and one day you'll be my wife. So forget all of that alone talk."

She looked up at me with her glossy eyes and kissed my lips.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too baby. And never forget that, okay?" I kissed her cheeks as she started to fall asleep.

I texted Luca to get my homework.

Luca's Ugly- where tf are you? They said you left
-I did. Some stuff went down with Nyla. Idgaf what you have to say or think. But if you disrespect me when I get home I'm rippin you to shreds

I turned my phone off and fell asleep with my baby.

We back and we better. Thank you to the new readers for your votes. Hopefully you all enjoy this shit. I still don't proof read. Just write and upload. But anyway...

What you think is goin on w Nyla's family?

Awww Lexi want Nyla to be her wifey😔❤️

Lexi Vs Luca 👀?

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