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Back at the house, Nyla and Lexington laid in bed watching television. Michael and Luca played video games in their separate rooms, together online. And Trevor decided to make some things happen.

While his children and Nyla were occupied, he decided to call one of his buddies, who became a worldwide private investigator.

"Yo, Nick... I need you to look into somebody for me.... uh-huh... nah, I gotchu fasho if you can find out what's goin on..... Kerhan Heavens... what?!... okay."

With the information received, we could only assume one thing. This was a big ass conspiracy. And Nyla was trapped in the middle of it.

Trevor continued on the phone with his friend, gathering information. Then he made another call before leaving his children in the house, locking the door behind him.

As he pulled up to the diner, he could see local regulars congregating and socializing. He waited for Chris and James in his car, and drove off once they got in.

"Is Nyla okay?"

"Oh, Alisha?" Trevor chuckled, "she's taken care of. Chillin with Lexi."

"Well then what's wrong?"

"Kerhan Heavens isn't real. So who is Muhammad and what do you know about him?"

"He's a fucking deviant." James blurted.

"He's taken so many children, and no one believes us. We can't keep telling people cuz it's dangerous. I don't wanna leave other people's kids but I also wanna know why the fuck he kept my baby!"

"He didn't do her like rest, obviously. Maybe his wife has something to do with it. Do you know anything about her growing up?" Trevor asked.

"He moved Nyla around 75 times within the past 6 years. One of her friends in school posted a picture with her, and it was the first sign of her being alive. A picture of her at the correct age for that time and healthy. And we went running after her. Muhammad found out, and started moving her."

"He's a scared little bitch. He won't even face me!" James exclaimed.

"Y'all I think our kids could possibly end up in danger and I don't know about y'all, but that's the last shit goin down."

"Nyla needs to get out of that house he put her in, no doubt in my mind it's tapped." Chris pointed out.

"Wait that makes sense tho. Lexi told me Nyla has a weird tv. She got a call from him, but the phone didn't ring, the tv did."

"He did that to our tv too." James said.

The 3 of them pulled up into the driveway of Trevor's house.

"Listen, when we get in here, if I feel like y'all bein weird, I will personally deal with everyone in this weird ass conspiracy, that means you, your wife, Muhammad, and anyone else I feel might be a threat to my children, okay? Now I've known Nyla for a few months, okay? I just got back in my kids lives. I just got my family back. If you think I'm lettin anybody fuck it up..." Trevor took a deep breath before looking at the couple through the rear view mirror. "You'll be a dead muthafucka, I'll tell you that."

The couple gulped and looked at each other before nodding.

They walked into the house to see the kids all over the house and things tossed everywhere. Nyla was sat on the couch, watching Spongebob, like any cool chick would. Lexi was sitting on the kitchen counter, watching too.

"Hey guys." Nyla said.

Trevor looked at the girls and back at the mess. "What the fuck did y'all do?" He asked in disbelief.

"Well I'm not sure how it started but the boys were doing whatever then started arguing. They started fighting. So then me and Lexi went to go see what was goin on. Whatever long story short, all of your children were fighting each other."

Trevor's mouth flew open.

Chris and James gasped and looked around the house.

"I mean it's fine now. They went to get food. If you want something you better text them now."

Trevor stood still for a minute thinking "what the fuck." Cuz... ya know, what the fuck? He snapped back to reality, taking a breath. "Alright, we'll deal with this later-"

"For the record, your children throw things when they fight, like anything they can. They are all very angry little people." Nyla said, cutting Trevor off briefly. "Sorry, now this business you look like you need to deal?"

"Right." He said as him and the couple found seats. "So ya dad never told you none bout him?"

"Just his name. His parents died and they were really his only family. I only met an aunt because she used to babysit me."

"What about your siblings?" He asked.

"They're their children."

"You saw her pregnant?" Chris asked, in a serious tone.

"I was out of the house before her second trimester so I didn't get to see her belly. Why?"

"We think your siblings were stolen by him too." James said.

"Wait, you really think my parents kidnapped us? From who? From where?"

"Well one, from us!" Christinina said, passionately. "You are my baby and I didn't get to experience that. He stole that from me. He stole my motherhood."

Nyla looked at the lady with sympathy. She believed the lady had a kid. But was that kid really her? "Can we get a DNA test?"

The couple sighed and nodded.

"Okay, well do you know who Muhammad Jafar is?" Trevor asked Nyla.

"No. Who is he?"

"He's a man known by many names, one of them being Kerhan Heavens."

Nyla looked up at them before turning around to Lexington. They looked at each other with sad eyes.

Nyla had hoped it wasn't true but now she was really starting to suspect, there's something serious going on here.

Hey sweet thangs 🥴😏. Just came to drop this off. Ya know da dealio. No proof reading from me. But thank you to the new readers, welcome to the party. Thank you for your comments and votes. Pls continue to spread that luv and I will continue to write.


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