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Liam POV

The three of us went out the door, got in the jeep and drove to my old home. To say I missed Claire would be an understatement. I think about her every day, in fact tomorrow is her birthday. Putting that to the back of my mind, I glanced around the home I once lived in. Tonight has been so drastic, and the only thought I continue asking myself is, Is it worth my life to be with Rose?

"Are you okay Babe?" Rose stared at me. I beamed at her. She had pain, sadness and anger all over her face. I didn't want to create more suffering, but I just wasn't positive she's what I need anymore. Maybe I just don't know Rose like I thought.

"I think we need to talk..." She glanced at me with concern in her eyes but just nodded. We stepped into my parent's and sat on the bed, leaving Ricky in my room.

"So... What's up?" Rose broke the silence, staring at her hands. I pulled her chin up, so we were looking eye to eye.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like a tsunami hit me 10 times across the face, crushing my heart, but Moana came with a green shiny stone, so I don't die."

I looked at her crazily, "Someone needs to stay away from Disney."

Rose laughed a little before misery took over her pupils, "I just don't understand why mom would hide this from me. I don't know how Trinity is alive and wants to murder me. I don't see why it's so necessary to have me in a business that could cost me my life. I didn't ask for all of this."

"It's not your fault. Listen baby, things happen in life. Life wouldn't be right unless some shit happens. Everything is going to be okay, I promise."

I wrapped my arms around her in silence. My mind was heavy, I just didn't know if I preferred to live this life with Rose anymore. It's strange because I just proposed to her and now I'm feeling that I should've waited.

"That's not all you wanted to talk about is it?"

It's like she can read my mind, "Actually... there is something..." I swallowed. She pulled away from my position, looking into my eyes.

"What's on your mind Li?"

Taking a deep breath, "maybe this is the right move," I thought. "Rose baby, Tonight has been chaotic. Even after asking for your hand in marriage, trouble always follows."

"What are you trying to say?"

"You make me happy Rose. I knew the moment I saw you by yourself in kindergarten that you'll be mine. Even being put in the friend zone, I still felt that we would be together. Then we separated for a while and found ourselves together at last. I just felt life would be wonderful from now on, even with all that you've been through. Yet, trouble always finds its way to your doorstep. I just don't know if I can be with you for the rest of my life. I don't want to have to watch my back. With you being in that business with your father, I don't want to worry about us getting killed. I already lost too many people. I love you too much to see you die in my arms. I just don't know anymore, I think we both need some space."

"So you don't want to marry me anymore?"

"Did you even hear what I just stated? Damn, for once Rose, stop making things about you! Of course, I want to marry you. I just felt we need some space apart because I'm not important right now. Your life is what's important right now. You barely escaped death tonight!"

"Liam, I understand all of that. I need you. Please don't leave me."

"I have too, just for a little while. I need to clear my head."

"Am I not good enough for you? Is there someone else?"

"WHAT? NO! Don't be stupid, Rose. I only want you but the question is do you want the same?"

"Of course I want you Liam."

"I know." I chuckled sadly. "I still have to go, I need some space for myself. I need to grieve over those who we already lost. I love you, Rose, I do. I just need time."

Rose wiped her tears away, "You're right, I can't expect you to stick around in something that could cost you your life. I'm sorry for being selfish. Take all the time you need. Just...don't forget about me." She began to take the ring off.

"Keep it, I still want to marry you Rose. I just need time to figure out that's all." Rose nodded and left me alone in my parent's room. I need to leave before I change my mind. Looking on the internet, I caught a place I haven't been in a while. I got an Uber and gave up my truck behind for Ricky and Rose, so they can have a way around. I needed this time away, I just hope when it's time to deal with reality that it all falls into place.


Rose POV

I observed as Liam got into the Uber with a suitcase. He's really leaving me. It's odd how I always end up alone. I glanced at my twin, who was staring at the ceiling. I joined him on the bed. I had a lot on my mind, there's something that needs to be done. I can't keep losing people. Something must give.

"It's bizarre how the only woman in this whole wide world I want, wants to murder us."

"Yea, it's not making any sense. She's supposed to be my best friend, how can she just forget about us?"

"What are you going to do about Liam?"

I looked at Ricky, not sure how to respond. "Honestly? I don't know. I just hope I didn't wreck my chance to be with him forever."

"It's like people leaving left and right."

"Tell me about it.... Ric?"


"What are we going to do? How do you feel to learn my mom is actually your mom? And that Rostin is our dad?" Ricky turned his position facing into my eyes.

"I always felt we were closer than cousins, especially since we have the same birthday. I also had a stronger relationship to our mom that I didn't have with mama Laura. I just assumed my parent's traveled a lot and that's why our mom's connection with me was deeper. Now understand that, that wasn't the case. Just wish we knew earlier."

"Sadly, if Rostin didn't show up. I don't think we would've found out."

Suddenly, I sat up thinking of a solution. "Maybe there's a way for us to not die."





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