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It's been about 12 hours and still no trace of Rose. I started to consider her taking her own life. I knew everyone else was just as worried.

"You don't think she..." Alice spoke out loud to everybody. She was staring at the wall with a depressed look in her eyes while Mason held her.

"Oh Micheal! I forgot about her condition!" Mom screamed running into her husband's arms.

"What condition?" My sperm donor questioned.

"Rose tends to take her stress, worry and pain out on herself. Her last accident was three years ago. We all forgot about it. At least I know I did." Triston explained.

"What happened the last time?" Uncle Jesse asked.

"She tried to kill herself. She died and came back to life." Mom whispered.

I glanced at my family, while they all brought up what happened 3 years ago. And it started to piss me off. "Can you all just shut up! Have some faith in Rose. I can feel that she's alive. Let's just keep our hope and not think the worst." I yelled.

Suddenly uncle Mike's phone went off causing everyone to stare at him.

"WHAT?...When was this?...No she's on the account as well....Okay thanks." Uncle Mike got off the phone shaking his head.

"What happened daddy?" Alice asked.

"Rose took out $500,000 from the family account." Was all Uncle Mike said. He shifted his focus on Rostin.

"Is this a part of your plan?" Micheal asked his brother.

"No. I see that our daughter has a mind of her own. Let's just hope she made the right move."

"What does that even mean Rostin? You don't care that someone is after her?"

"I do care. I also believe Rose knows what she's doing and that she's not dead."

"How do you know? You're pathetic. You should've just let us handle this by ourselves."

"Yeah? You all would be dead if it wasn't for me."

"Fuck you Rostin, nothing but trouble comes from you. You had us all fooled thinking you were dead and you weren't. You caused so much pain, why bother even showing up?" Michael furiously spoke.

Rostin burst out laughing. He was holding his stomach while trying to stand but failed from laughing. Micheal was about to go into his face until Troy, Max and Zero raised their guns towards him.

"Alright, That's enough! Rose didn't follow the plan we discussed or she'll be here now. Let's just hope wherever she is that she's alive. Until then let's prepare for the attack tonight." Rostin spoke up then the bodyguards put their guns down.

"Son! May I have some words with you?" Rostin turned to me before going upstairs into Rose's room. I followed him into the room and walked onto the balcony.

"What time do you think they'll be here? Do you think we are prepared?" I asked without glancing at him.

"Not certain. However I'm sure it will be tonight. Look, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you two. I wish I could turn things around but that's not how life works. How does a vacation with the three of us sound after all of this is over?" Rostin suggested.

"Money and trips don't flatter me."

"It wasn't an option. Once everything clears up I'm taking you and your sister out so we can get to know each other."

"I'm not about to get killed being out anywhere with you."

"Trust me, no one will ever cross me. I'll tell you more on our trip." Rostin spoke before patting me on the shoulders and leaving me in my thoughts. I turned my attention back unto the moon.

"Where are you sis?" I asked out loud like she was near.



Time has passed and still there was no word from Rose. Neither did Trinity and her father attack which Rostin didn't expect. It was 9am the next day and Rostin finally started to become worried. He kept checking to see if his investigator had anything but he hasn't gotten back to Rostin yet.

"Doesn't feel good to worry about your child, does it?" Rostin's father entered the room.

"No it doesn't. I see what I put you guys through."

"You know I'm happy to know you're alive and.."

"Just save it Jerry. You made it clear who your favorite is. I don't need that rubbed in my face anymore." Rostin coldly expressed to his father. Jerry came towards his son placing his hands on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry Rostin. I hope one day you can forgive me son." Jerry apologized before turning out the room. Soon after Rostin's phone began to buzz.

"Sir we found her. I'm sending you pictures to your phone." Rostins investigator Jace spoke.

"Got it! Thanks Jace."

Rostin looked at the pictures then went downstairs to inform everyone.



I just landed and got a rental making my way to Rose's house. I was hoping she made it home last night. I tried her phone but it disconnected. Finally pulling up to the home, I got out of the car and into the house running into everyone but Rose.

"Is Rose here? Did you guys find her?" The words rushed out as I came through the door. The atmosphere felt sad. I realized they have been waiting just like me.

"One of my workers spotted Rose in the car with Trinity yesterday and this morning. I just received word a few minutes ago." Rostin blurted out before walking out to the backyard alone. No one said anything after that. Ricky shifted his head towards upstairs and I followed him into Rose's room.

"How are you holding up?" My best friend asked me.

"I just want her back. I shouldn't have left." I confessed.

"Why did you leave?"

"I was stressed out. Thinking about proposing, Claire's birthday, and more drama after three years of peace. All I could think about was that I was going to lose my other half and I didn't want to be there when I did. I got scared and ran like a little bitch." I chuckled a little after explaining my absence.

"What makes you so sure that you won't run again when times become hard? Are you sure you can handle it?"

"I'm here now ain't I? What's wrong with you?"

"You left her. She's with the enemy right now, maybe dead and you left her." Ricky was angry.

"I know Ric, but I'm here now. And I don't plan to ever leave again."

"You better not!" Ric threatened. Ricky walked away and into the closet taking out a blunt. He lit it up and we shared it until there was nothing left.

"What if they killed her Liam?" Ricky questioned until the tears broke out.

Unforeseen truth (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now