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I was pacing back and forth, waiting on Trinity. I arrived at the place to meet her sooner than scheduled. And hoped I didn't show up here for nothing. I don't know what I'll do if this is a setup. With only 5 more minutes left, I stared out the window, wondering if I made the correct decision to come here or not.

"I never meant to cause any harm..."

I shifted away from the mirror, facing someone who I thought would have my back. "Tell me everything or I'll just figure things out my way." I spoke, not breaking my glare. Trinity let out a shaky snicker.

"Did I miss the joke or something? This isn't amusing." I semi-yelled. I was trying not to get pissed off. My anxiety was on the roofs right now.

"Okay, okay. I was never supposed to become this close to you. It wasn't part of the plan. I expected it to be an easy kill. Then the longer I stuck around, the further I realized you had my back better than any of my family. I felt at peace, like I was home. Your mom welcomed me even when she didn't know who I was. Your dad wasn't the man my father dictated him to be. And I sure damn never imagined myself with anyone, and Ricky knocked me off my feet. The idea was to have you killed, then dad was going to kill Micheal in prison. I never understood why you had to get murdered for your dad's mistakes." Trinity spoke true.

"What do you mean my dad mistakes?"

"Ask the man you call father..."

"This ain't no damn Prince of Egypt Trinity, I mean if that's even your actual name. Be honest with me or I'm leaving."

Trinity huffed. She hoped she could get Rose to laugh to ease the tension. "Look all I know is when they were younger something transpired between your dad, my dad and another dude. Then I guess Micheal took my uncle's woman from him, so he wants revenge too. This has been arranged for longer than our existence. He wishes to take everything Micheal has."

"And what about you, huh? What do you want, Trinity?" I spoke with annoyance. Trinity stood there silently, I believe in thought.

"Truthfully, I just wish things would go back to how they were. I miss being around you. I didn't get to grieve over my mom or Terri's death. Or that I had to give up Ricky. I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you all. My mission was expected to be death, yet I rather have love from all of you than nothing."

I didn't know what to think. I could feel a headache forming and gray hair sprouting out like a wildflower. That's when a plan struck me. "What if no one else has to die?"

"Really Rose, how can that be a choice?" Trinity asked.

"What if we could end the bloodshed from occurring? What if what took place was a fluke and everyone just needed clarification?"

"Rose, I'm not following."

"Take me to your dad. I wish to discuss something."

"Are you sure? What if he decides to execute you, what then?"

"He won't because I have you. Do you have my back?" I challenged her with a serious tone. Trinity didn't speak at first. She looked in my path, in my eyes.

"Until death do us part."

Trinity and I stuck around in our secret place, coming up with a strategy. She spilled all the tea about her fathers plan. I just hope our idea works out.

"Alright, you ready?" Trinity asked, grinning.


Liam POV

It's been nice at my grandparents' home, I missed them more than I expected.

"I need you. Please don't leave me." Rose's voice rang through my brain. Leaving her was the stupidest thing I could've done. I made her feel like losing one more person was nothing. And now I won't ever see her again. "Oh boy what did I do!" I semi-yelled to myself. Walking inside the house, I heard an argument throughout the two-story home.

"Go somewhere, Laron. You're about to piss me off." I heard grandma's voice. I stepped towards the kitchen, trying not to reveal my presence.

"You know I love you woman." Gramps started trying to get his queen's attention.

"No, you assume I'm supposed to just be happy after you mess up. Sorry, it doesn't solve everything."

"Baby, you're upset about me eating your sandwich? That I made? Come on now Lace, quit being like that. I can make you another one."

"No you always play too much! Grown ass man, always playing." Grandma mumbled the last part. I tried my best to hold in my laughter. I admired their marriage, it's pure, genuine love. Something like what I have with Rose. I miss her, I just need some space. I noticed Gramps turn on the music player and Freddy Jackson's soulful voice filled the room.

"There's something that I want to say

But words sometimes get in the way

I just want to show

My feelings for you

There's nothing that I'd rather do

Than spend ev'ry moment with you,

I guess you should know

I love you so"

I watched as Gramps took Grandma's hand to dance. She tried her hardest to save her mug while struggling to force her smile from breaking out. He pulled her close, pecked her on the cheek first then the forehead ending with her lips. "I love you Mrs. Moore and I apologize for touching your food."

"I love you more."


They waltzed to the melody,

"You are my lady

You're ev'rything I need and more

You are my lady

You're all I'm living for"

Watching my grandparents offered me hope. They made me realize love is real. Wanting to capture this moment on video, I dug in my pockets to retrieve my phone,


Unforeseen truth (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant