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The three of us got into the car and left for the bank that was 2 hours away. Trinity's father was watching me and I kept my eyes out the window to avoid conversation.

Soon his gaze was off me and put his attention on the phone call due to his phone going off.

"You alright?" Trinity asked me. I nodded before turning my attention back to the outside.

Finally pulling up to the bank, I got out and entered the building. As I waited for my turn in line, my mind began to wonder about Liam. I missed him dearly, it's still hard to believe he left without second guessing. Am I really too much to handle?

"Next!" The bank teller yelled. It was my turn and I gave her the withdrawal slip then waited for her to give me the money I wanted. She asked me a few questions, asked for my ID and had me sign some documents. Before leaving I asked for a blank piece of paper then wrote an agreement on it for Mr. smith.

Before returning back into the car, I put on my serious look. "I have the money here, it's yours but first sign this."

I handed him the agreement. It states that truths were to be drawn, no one would be killed and we would become business partners. "Don't make me be wrong about you Rose." Mr. Smith finally spoke after going over the agreement then signed it.

"Great, here's your money and I'll get you a copy right away." I mentioned while giving him the money.

"Let's go to a hotel tonight and we'll meet Rostin tomorrow." Mr. Smith told the driver and started scrolling through his phone.

Trinity and I shared a reassuring look and I finally felt at peace with all of this mishap.


Once we got to the hotel, I went to print Mr. Smith's agreement copy so I wouldn't forget. When I got back to the room, food was everywhere and Mr. Smith was counting the money. I handed him the contract and began to walk away.

"Thanks for doing business with me, I look forward to working with you." Mr. Smith had his hand out. I shook it and went into the bathroom before exhaling a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Rose come eat!" Mr. Smith called out.

"Thank you for the food Mr. Smith."

"Call me Uncle Smith. We are family now."

I nodded my head and began to take a bite of my burger that was placed in my face.

"So how's Ricky been?" Trinity asked after starting the conversation.

"He's been so lost without you. I think he's been trying to hold it in but I know my brother and his eyes tell a different story."

"Brother? Isn't Ricky your cousin?"

"We thought that too until Rostin showed up and we found out we were twins."


We shared a laugh. "How sis?"

"Y'all look the same, have the same birthday and y'all connection was too close for y'all to be cousins."

"True, I guess we didn't really care to look into it because of how close we were. It just blows my mind that Micheal isn't my biological dad. Hey Uncle Smith?"

"Yes Rose?"

"How was my father like when you guys were younger?"

Uncle Smith gave me a big smile. He took his glass and brought it up to his mouth taking a sip before answering. "Your dad was low key, he didn't like a lot of people yet cared for everyone. He was strong yet humble. No one messed with the Johnson boys because they were afraid of Rostin. He actually stood up for me being bullied and that's how our friendship began. His laugh was so contagious that anyone would start laughing nearby. He was a great man. I thought he was gone forever, I'm glad I was wrong."

I couldn't find the words to respond so I kept eating and listened to stories of them two and some with Michael.


The next morning came quick. Uncle Smith got Trinity and I a new outfit to wear. We got into the car and made our way to my home. It was an hour away and felt longer. I was anxious yet all I could think of was Liam. "What if he doesn't come back?" I thought.

"Rosebee, are you okay?" Uncle Smith asked. He's been calling me that since last night.

"Yes sir." I responded not mentioning my thoughts.

"You know Terri's birthday is next week..." Trinity blurred out.

"Yeah, Claire's was last week. Want to do something to celebrate?" I questioned.

"Just us or the boys too?"

"Just us."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Trinity gave a smile before we both turned our attention to the window.

Soon the street signs became familiar, and we were slowly pulling in front of my house. I grabbed my purse as Trinity and her dad followed behind me. I unlocked the door and entered. I could hear chatter coming from the living room. We followed the voices until we saw everyone in a discussion without noticing us standing there.

"Damn, you really are alive!" Uncle Smith spoke sternly. Everyone turned their attention to us.

"Rose!" Everyone shouted at once.

"Trevor? Trevor smith?" Rostin asked as if he saw a ghost.

"In the flesh!" Uncle smith smirked at his old friend.

"So you're the one after my family's head? I thought we were dealing with your brother, Damien. Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Rostin was confused.

"We can discuss that later, my friend. Rose and I signed a contract, there won't be any killing occurring. I thought you were dead too; however, Rose informed me that you were still alive."

"It's so good to see you brother." Rostin came towards Uncle smith embracing him with a hug.

"Rose? Trinity?" Liam and Ricky said at the same time.

I was shocked to see Liam was back and for some odd reason I got angry that he even left. Before I could change my mind on how I wanted to react. I just turned around and walked out to the backyard leaving him in the living room with everyone else.

I knew he was going to follow me, he always does.

"Rose wait!"

I sat down on one of the chairs by the pool. I had mixed emotions and just wasn't sure how to feel. "What do you want Liam?" I asked looking at my hands.

"I want you." Liam admitted. I felt angry that he even left just to be back like nothing happened.

"Are you sure you want that?" I asked sarcastically.

"If I wasn't, would I be here?" Liam questioned me.

"Well you make it hard to believe Liam. This isn't something you can just walk away from and expect things to be the same when you feel like returning. You hurt me Liam, I bet you're only here because my family told you I was gone."

"I'm here because I realized that leaving only caused more damage then what's already been done. I went and saw my grandparents and watching them be in love and together for a long time caused me to miss you so much and when I heard you were missing I just knew I wanted to be in your life forever. That I never should've left in the beginning. I understand I hurt you Ro, I'm sorry baby." Liam confessed.

I looked at him, confused. My heart wanted to jump on him and give him the biggest hug. I wasn't expecting him to be here and missed him dearly. However, my mind felt different and couldn't understand why he left in the first place.

"Liam I'm glad you're here, I thought I lost you but I'm still mad at what happened." I exclaimed while folding my arms with my back towards him. Next thing I know, Liam wraps his arms around me from the back and kissed all over my cheek until I was blushing.

"I missed you so much Rose." Liam expressed himself. I turned around looking Liam in the face.

"Don't you ever leave me again or it's over." I said truthfully.

"I won't ever leave you again Rose, I promise." Liam promised.

I wrapped my arms around him after that. After a while, we decided to make it back into the house. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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