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Rose POV

Ricky and I are on the way back to our home. "You sure this is going to work, sis?"

"Do we have a choice?"

"There's always a choice. It's called free will."

I smacked my twin in the head. "You realize that she's coming today, right?"

"Well, her father said Plan B starts today, so I assume she will."

"Do you think she's going to listen to us?"

Ricky laughed, I could sense that he was concerned just like me but boys have a stronger way at masking their nerves. "Rose, this is your idea. Whether or not Trinity listens to our plan. Our aim is to not be killed."

"You're right."

Pulling into the driveway, it took both of us a while to get out the jeep. "Ready?"

"It's now or never."

"Well, if you suggest that we could go..."

"Ricky, get out of the car!"

We stood by the door waiting for me to unlock it. Then we strolled in, not seeing anybody. Ricky and I ran through all the rooms and still no one was on site. Deciding on checking one more place, we went to the secret hideout. Opening the door, everyone was inside.

"Rose! Ricky!" Mom yelled, waking everyone else up. I craved to be delighted to see her, yet after last night I'm uncertain if she's been truthful about anything. "I just want to tell you two that I'm sorry. I should've been straightforward about you two being siblings and who your father is."

"Why did you do it? Why did you cheat on dad with his brother?" I queried.

Mom stood there, I presumed she was pondering on what to say, with everyone in the area.

"I knew Rostin before Micheal. He was my first love. Father didn't approve of Rostin because of how he didn't care what people thought. It was something that drew me to him. He could light up the room when everybody was miserable or quiet. Then dad introduced me to Micheal, at first I didn't know it was his brother until daddy said his last name. So, I broke it off with Rostin and became friends with Micheal. Then I ended up getting in a relationship with someone else who started beating me, I ran into Micheal, and he helped which led to me falling in love. After having Alice and Triston, Micheal and I weren't seeing eye to eye. He'll be at work, leaving me with the children. One night we got into this huge argument and I left. I called Rostin, informed him what transpired. He showed up to my hotel, we talked, drunk a little wine and ended up having sex. That next morning I realized I was wrong. I forced him to promise to never see me again. When I went back home, Micheal and I worked it out. Three months afterward I found out I was pregnant, I felt it wasn't Micheal's because of the date they expected you two to be born. I never revealed the truth. I never told Rostin either, and he held his vow to stay away."

"How did he find out?"

"I found out when I bailed Troy out of prison. He informed me what happened, I had a blood sample done and had a match."

"How'd you get a sample when we were in Greece?"

"Some secrets are kept. I just had to know, so I did what I had to do."

"What about me? How come Rose and I were separated?"

"I couldn't handle 4 infants. I could with 2. So, Laura and Henry agreed to take you in their care. No one knew I was bearing twins except for Laura."

"Is there anything else we should know?"

"No, there are no more secrets."

Ricky turned towards Aunt Laura and Uncle Henry, "I just want to say, thank you for taking me in and making me feel like I am yours. You will ever be my parents, even if blood says we're not. My mother didn't want me, but you guy did. So, I appreciate it and I love you two."

They hugged it out, I walked up to Rostin. "We need to talk."

Before walking out, I turned towards Micheal. "You will always be my dad. I love you." I pecked his cheek, then waited for Ricky and my sperm donor.

"Hey, Where's Troy?" I asked Rostin.

"He's running errands for me. But I'm certain that's not what you desire to talk about."

I only smirked at him and the three of us climbed into Rostin's SUV. I chose the time to check out his features. He was rather handsome, and I shared the same colored eyes as he.

"I wish to talk to Trinity. Maybe if she knew I was alive, she wouldn't seek to kill us."

"I wish it was that simple son. Plus, she wants Rose."

"She mentioned something about Plan B happening today. Do you have a strategy for us, Rostin?"

"Hey now that everything is settled you two can call me dad."

Ricky and I glanced at each other before staring back at him. We remained there in silence. I burst out in laughter. "That title has to be earned, not given. Do you have any ideas or not?"

Rostin went rambling on about the plan he came up with last night. I just knew one thing.... I don't want to die.



Did I make the correct choice? Then again, she has no option but to fight back or lose her life. I miss her but am too ashamed to run after her. I got out the truck going up to an olive green door to the home I've always escaped too.

"Boy bout time you came to see your papa."

"How have you been son?"

I saw my gramps smile coming in for a hug. "Yeah, been a long time now. I've been busy with work, life. I'm sorry about that. How are you gramps, anything new?"

"Besides your GRANDMA trying to blow my pockets, everything's great. I'm blessed and relaxed. Now are you gon' tell me what happened?"

With a shocked face, it surprised me he knew something was wrong. Then again, gramps knows me better than anyone. "How do you know something happened? Why can't I just visit my old man?" I snickered.

"You must forgot who you are in front of, son." Gramps laughed.

"Rose, my fiancé and I agreed to take some time apart. A lot was going on and I just couldn't handle it anymore."

"Rose Johnson? Your old boo thing back then?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well damn are you dumb or what child? You've been wanting this for how long. Why turn it all away?"

I stared at him, trying to determine if I should explain to him or not. Gramps were an OG, he gave up the game long ago since grandma made him choose either the streets or her. I didn't want him involved, but I realize I need his guidance. So, I told him everything from when I saw her in Colorado to when I left her yesterday.

"So after all that you thought running away was the best answer? Liam child, if anyone she needs YOU the most now. She just found out some news that only happens in movies, and you left her alone to go through that by herself. Yea, she may have her brother there but you're supposed to be her protector son. I think it's time to re-evaluate your heart Liam. If you love her, then risking your life for her wouldn't matter as long as you all are together with love. Look at me, I was in the dope game and never thought about leaving until Lacey came into my heart and showed me a glimpse of how life could be and I chose that route. You got to decide which direction you're willing to go. Cause either way, the ultimate fate with every person is death."

Gramps is right. I love her. I'm in love with her. I don't know what I'll do if something happens. I know what must be done. "Thanks Gramps. You always know what to say. Love you old man."

"Love you too. Now go say something to your grandma before she slaps both of us." Gramps and I laughed.




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