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peyton- well i thought i would come and say hello, and how are you feeling asher?

asher- i thought you were in jail

peyton- actually no i got bailed out cause technically it wasn't my fault, it was haydens. so i thought i would come and see how my baby is doing

asher- im not your baby you psycho.

peyton- well to you your not but to me you are! and i see you have your little slutty girlfriend with you to?

asher- shes not a fucking slut, now get out of my room before i do something i don't wanna do

this whole time asher was holding annies hand tighter and tighter.

peyton- do it! you won't

annie- no asher, really don't!

peyton- aw little annie is scared

annie- peyton you might wanna look back

there were 5 officers standing with handcuffs

peyton- oh hey guys!

officer- lets go elizabeth

peyton- actually my name is peyton elizabeth lee

peyton leaves with the officers and this time she actually goes to jail and is sentenced

5 days later.....

doctor- asher! it's the day buddy. so your gonna get released around 3pm today. we just need to do a couple of tests and then we'll be done!

asher- thanks doctor! it means a lot

annie- yay! you get to come home tonight.

asher- yeah..

annie- what's wrong ash?

asher- i've been hiding this for a while from you annie. but im just scared annie. im scared to loose you. because for once in my life i feel like ive found someone i love and plan on spending the rest of my life with and thinking that could all end is a nightmare to me.

annie- why would you loose me? im right here

asher- you don't understand annie. i haven't told you the full story.

annie- then tell me the full-

nurse- sorry, if im interrupting anything but asher im here to take your cat scan. so may you come with me

asher- of course, annie we'll talk later

the nurse pulled asher in one of the those beds where they have like rolly things on them

nurse- sorry for interrupting anything mr. angel

asher- no your fine, honestly i just want to go home

nurse- only 3 more tests and if those are good your free

the nurse takes the last 3 tests and takes asher back into his room

he notices annie had left

annie pov- while asher was getting his tests done annie went down to the lobby to get one last gift for ashers "welcome home" gift

no one pov- this gift meant a lot to annie, every night her and coco would swap places. so annie would have the night to relax and also work on his gift and coco would have the night to watch over him.

asher pov- i walk into annie not being in the room, maybe she went to go get a snack, or some food. i was laid back into my room, and i was just alone. i was never usually alone. i had either annie or my mom to comfort me. it was weird. then i hear a knock, i was hoping it was annie but instead it was just my dad. i softly yelled "come in"

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