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but then he was gone. he ran out my door. with out explaining to where. well he wasn't gone for that long. "annie leblanc" he started as he walked back into my room, with a bouquet of flowers, some balloons and few other things. but i wasn't paying attention to the gifts.
"im sorry. im sorry for not believing you when you were telling the truth. and im sorry for not being here when your in pain. i always knew i would end up with you someday, and i never knew when that someday would've been, but now i know. your my girl, my ride or die, my partner and the love of my life. and we may be young and we may not be the smartest at making decisions but one with i know for sure is that we both love each other. and sure everyone says it when their in a relationship, but i just want you to know that your love means everything to me. and you just existing makes me smile. and im sorry." he let out

"asher, i need some time to think. but i wanna let you know how i feel to. your an amazing boyfriend and honestly the best boyfriend i've ever had, you make me happy on a daily basis. you mean a lot to me and i don't know what i would do without you. but right i just need time to myself and i think we should just stay friends"

and yes those words were heartbreaking for annie to say out loud.

"i totally get i-it." asher says with tears in his eyes

"im sorry." she managed to get out before breaking down in tears

"see you later."

after that moment both of their lives changed.



im sorry i have to change the plot😭 i hate where this story is going so hehe


2 years later

"hay can you grab the door for me" annie yells out to hayley

"yea, whooooo is itttttttt" hayley says as she skips to the front door

"hey hay!" jack says as she puts his arms out for hayley to give him a hug

"annie, jacks here." she says avoiding the hug and going back up the stairs

"well hello to you to." he says to hayley

"hi jack" annie says coming down the stairs

"my favorite leblanc there you are!" jack says to annie grabbing her waist for a hug

lemme catch you up to speed, it's been 2 years since me and ash- i don't really like saying his name anymore. it's hurts to much. well yeah two years since that. ive moved on i guess and now i found someone knew. jack dylan grazer! well um my exes best friend. he's the only person that's cared ever since everything happened. well other than lilia and jayden. they've stood with me. after the break up everyone basically forgot about me. it was hard. me and asher still stay in touch. i guess you can say. well by in touch i mean talk once a year. yeah. it hurts a lot. i miss him, i do wish i never made that decision but he moved on, and so have i. "you okay annie-banannie" jack asks

"yeah jack. im okay" i say to him and give him a soft smile


and now for asher, well he's a bit different now.

"call the ambulance right now avi".

that's what asher had to say almost every other day. and why?



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