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i open my house with a spare key i had in my pocket. and i swear before i walked in i had asher by my side. i walk in to the house. usually hayley would come running down to say hi to me. but this time she wasn't. it was almost to quiet. not one sound. not one light open either. but then i look back and asher was gone as well. see now im confused. no ones home, no lights, and now no asher? i flick the light switch and then I see streamers, balloons and people run and jump up saying "surprise!!". well that's one way to do it.

"surprise!!!!!!!" everyone yells, people run up to  annie, and asher comes from behind and gives her a massive hug

"do you like it" asher asks

"no i don't like it, I love it!! who planned this?"

"well me and the little genius right in front of you" asher says as he looks at hayley

"thank me later" hayley says as she grins

"thank you guys. it honestly means so much to me."

"annie lebold were here to" indiana, riley, kenzie, jayden, lilia  and lauren all say in sync.

"gIrL pArTy reunited haha" kenzie says and they all laugh

the girl party chatted for a little bit, while asher was talking to carson and will and hayley was talking to avi and london.

"anns are you having fun" asher says as he comes from behind and wraps his arms around annies waist

"of course better than ever" she says back, and he plants a kiss onto her lips

"im glad to hear that" asher says

"asher why did you do this? why'd you and hayley make this whole party for me" annie asked staring into ashers green eyes

"well remember when i said the party's over well let's just say i needed to make a few arrangements. okay the truth is after everything we've been through, and everything you've done for me i thought you deserved something special like this party. but i also have another surprise for you and i know for sure you aren't gonna be expecting this one" he says still holding her waist

"asher what ever you did i don't want it. you know im not a big fan of surprises, and thank you though. your the best boyfriend i could ever ask for. you are amazing."

asher gives her a huge smile revealing his dimples

"no trust me i know for a fact you'll like it. the surprise is coming in about in hour but in the mean time you can just relax."

"i trust you. a lot. but i really just wanna go to bed ash. don't get me wrong tonight has been amazing but it's almost 11 and we've both had a dramatic day."

"are you sure" asher says giving her puppy dog eyes

"oh my god you kill me sometimes, fine"

"i love you beautiful" asher says hugging her tighter

"i love you more"

"ehm excuse me love birds, were playing jenga and im trying to concentrate here" indiana says

"yea get a room"  carson says

"carson, you said you loved watching ashannie moments" asher said

"well i mean y'all are pretty cute. but not during fucking jenga here!" carson snaps back

"maybe we should-."

"asher my room now" hayley commands to asher as she interrupts him . he runs up the stairs behind hayley.

"he's here. but how do we surprise annie with him?" hayley says

"okay, i have a plan. its kind of stupid but i know it'll work. im gonna have johnny go outside and pretend he's leaving and run inside and say annie your car it's ruined! then he'll go outside and im gonna have him come super close to annies car and then he'll hop out and boom surprise!" asher says

"that's the most dumb thing i've heard all day. plus i have a few things up my sleeve already. you'll just have to watch." hayley said giving an evil but happy smirk at asher.

"who knew the hayley leblanc could be capable of so much"

"so here's the plan" hayley starts whispering



i literally love seeing asher and hayley content. sibling in law tingz. so that's why i kinda made this chapter with asher and hayley but yeah. im probably posting 2 chapters tomorrow so hehe🤡

what do you think the plan is? 😟

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