Making A Deal With The Devil

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You awoke the to sounds of birds tweeting outside the triangle window of the attic bedroom, you turned over to face Jessica's bed again expecting to Jasper still asleep when you found the bed was empty. You jumped out of the bed rushing over and looking around the room for his clothes, you rushed into all the bedrooms downstairs and shouted his name. 
"Jasper!" You screamed running into the living room, no one was around. 
"Dipper!" You cried fearing the worst yet again, you ran outside of the shack to see Jasper talking to Ford and Stan in the garden, Dipper was talking to a police officer and Mabel was heading into the woods again.
"Baby?" Dipper asked, excusing himself and running over to your side, you held onto his arm and cried silently, you just wanted your little girl home. 
"We're doing our best. You said she had a friend, Rose?" You nodded going to sit down on the porch swing with Dipper and continue talking about the last night you saw her. 
"But we've searched all the town records and can't find any Rose," You eyes shot up to look at Dipper, no, no, no, no. This was what it was like before. 

You were throwing papers around in Stan's officer, folders were on the floor, newspapers were on the floor, everything from the year the twins first came to Gravity Falls was on the floor and in front of you, you worked your way back. Finding every single piece of information on yourself as you possibly could. That's when you found it, the folder Stan kept of you. Photos of you growing up, when you first arrived here and how he found you, the strap with Fords name on and the little fake birth certificate he had made up for school. You grabbed the files and flicked through Ford's experiment sheets. 
"Ford Changed me remember, he made me age again...what if...What if Rose is just another one of Bill's creations?" I asked putting the file on the kitchen table and looking at a guilty looking Ford. He rushed off going to find something, Dipper looked down at the papers and nodded looking back up at you. 
"That would make sense." That's when Ford came in and slammed a journal onto the table, what was with this family. Full of journals, the lot of them. 
"She is." You glanced down at the page and saw a photo of the girl, Rose, that Jessica had been playing with. 
"It's her." You whispered, Dipper took the book reading up on her while you paced around the kitchen. 

"Stan, Ford can you look after Jasper. Keep him distracted please." You said as you and Dipper were leaving the front door, Jasper was watching from the living room door. 
"I'll be good mum." He said looking down at the journal he was holding, Dipper had given him the three original journals as well as three more from your own trips to look over while you were out. It was better to share this side of your life with them rather than hide it away and pray they never find out what really happens here.
"Love you." You whispered kissing Stan on the cheek and going over to the golf cart, Dipper started it up and you drove off into the woods. 
"You sure you want to do this?" He quizzed as you headed up into the woods. 
"It's the only way I can think of." You whispered looking out at the view. 

You stared at it, the light was hitting it just right through the trees making him seem like the perfect little angel. You glared at it, you didn't want to do this, Dipper really didn't want to do this but this was the only way you were going to get her back. Rose was either around or watching the statue, or even Bill would actually come back and do something, something kind but who were you kidding. He didn't have a kind bone in his body. 

"Y/N...Once this is done there is no turning back." Dipper said coming closer to you and taking a hold of your hand. You lent your forehead on his and nodded. 
"I know." You whispered, you kissed him on the lips, throwing your hands into his hair and pulling him close to you. You were hoping this wasn't a goodbye kiss but if it was you were giving it your all. 
"I love you." You both whispered in unison, you stepped away from him taking in a deep breath and going towards the statue. 
"Bill." You addressed, looking at it and rolling your eyes. 

"Well. Here goes nothing," You took his hand in yours as if you were shaking it to make a deal and that's when the weather changed. The sun was replaced by dark grey clouds, it was raining down hard and thunder clapped loudly, sending lightening into the near by trees, wind wiping around leaves on the floor, you jumped hand still connected to the statue, you glanced at Dipper who was worriedly looking at you. The rain began to pour harder and harder until it all just stopped...The sun was back and everything was fine. You jumped away from the statue and into Dippers hand. 

"Did it move?" You asked looking at the statue from Dippers arms, he shook his head. 
"Don't think so." You sighed kicking a stone at it and walking back towards the golf cart. 
"I'm going to find this little Rose brat....I'm going to kill her. YOU HEAR THAT BILL! I'LL KILL IT!" You screamed starting up the engine and waiting for Dipper to get inside before speeding off towards the shack again 

"Go get Jasper, I'm going to see if this Rose has been back for any of Jessica's clothes or something." You said kissing Dipper and running up the stairs and into the attic, you looked in the wardrobe sighing and sitting down on her bed, You gripped the rabbit bunny from her pillow and stared down at it. 
"You can't sleep without whiskers." You whispered kissing its head, that's when it happened. The window smashed, and there stood Rose. Holding out her hand, she was dressed in a bright yellow dressing with a black ribbon in her blonde hair. 
"Come with me." Was all she said, you took hold of her hand, the other hand still holding the stuffed Rabbit you had a hold of. 

"Y/N!" Dipper screamed coming into the room and seeing nothing but broken glass on the floor, 
"Dad, she's with Jess...The teddy is gone." Jasper said looking at the bed and then running away back down the stairs and into the basement, Dipper following close behind him the whole time. 
"I know where Rose is." Ford said looking up from his computer and then at Dipper, Dipper wrote down the address and ran out of the front door. 
"Jasper you stay here! Do you understand." Dipper said as Jasper tried to follow him into the golf cart. 
"Dad! I can help!" Dipper thought about it for a moment before starting the engine and letting him ride along. 
"If you mother asks, I didn't know you were hiding in the back."

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