Chapter 28: The City

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"Don't forget to take pictures out the window!"

"And call me when you land!"

"Make sure to listen to the safety instructions!"

"Tell me if you end up sitting beside a cute guy!"

Kyle, Max, Jamie, Drake, Tyler, Andrew, Hannah, and I were all saying farewell to Morgan as she walked to the security check. The group of them were all yelling things to her. Morgan gave us one final wave, and turned the corner.

"Well," Andrew said to the group, clapping his hands together. "It was great seeing you guys, but Isabella and I must depart. Ciao!" He grabbed my hand and ran down the airport. I had to hold my hat down from having it fly away at the speed we were going. I laughed the whole way down.

"So, where are we going exactly?" I asked.

"Well, since we're in the city, I figured we could spend the day, take some pictures, go to some nice resturant..." he grinned at me. I smiled back at him. "We need to stop by my car though. I left my camera there."

We found his car in the huge parking lot. He quickly reached into the back seat and took out his camera bag.

"Oh, and this is for you." he smiled, pulling out a single flower. I laughed slightly from his cuteness and weaved the flower into my side braid.

"Come on." he mumbled, starting to walk down the street. I kept a steady pace beside him. He started talking soon after. "So, the cities always have really nice parks, so we should definitely go to those, and the city streets are beautiful..." Andrew continued talking, but I wasn't focused on what he was saying. I was more focused on the fact that it was just Andrew and I, for the whole day, in the gorgeous city. I was more focused on the fact that Andrew had decided to top off his winter outfit with a scarf that made him look very attractive, and the fact that our hands always seemed to find a way to connect.

"So where should we go?" he asked me. I came out of my trail of thoughts.

"You choose; you're the professional." I teased.


It was now around 6:00pm and we were walking down the brightly lit streets, looking for some place to eat. We had a very crazy day. We went to the lakeside, down to the main downtown core, over to some older parts of the city, McDonald's for lunch, into a few shops, and up to this beautiful, big hill that overlooked the whole city. The day was passing by way too quickly for my likes. It felt like we had just said our goodbyes to Morgan moments ago. but nonetheless, here we were, looking for a small resturant. Andrew said it was my choice on where to eat, and I wanted something that was cute, quiet, and cozy. 

Andrew was talking about some new movie that was supposedly coming out in a few days. It brought a smile to my face to listen to him talk about something so passionately. It was so cute how he used his hands to explain things. And the way his glasses fell further and further down the bridge of his nose, to the point when he had to push them up with forefinger, which I've always found adorable.

After a few minutes of walking down busy streets, I found something that caught my eye. A little sushi place. I pointed it out to Andrew, and he agreed, saying that he loved sushi as well.

We entered the restaurant, and the little door bell went off. I smiled at the coziness of the place. As we walked in, the two waitresses smiled and said hello to us. There were a number of other people talking and eating their delicious looking sushi, but it wasn't loud. Just this low hum compared to outside.

Andrew and I chose a seat by the window, and looked through the menu.

"So, the miso soup is a must." Andrew said. I agreed.

"Wow, there is alot of different sushi..." I awed. I had no clue what to choose. Thankfully, Andrew had an idea.

"How about we take the boat?" he proposed.

"The boat?" I asked.

"Yeah, it basically has two if everything." he smiled.

"Sounds perfect." I nodded. We both decided to have green tea as our drinks, and the waitress was there moments after. Andrew told her our order.

"So, today was a pretty awesome day." I told him once the waitress left.

"Indeed it was." he chuckled. We started to discuss our day and our many adventures until the waitress came with our soup. From there on, it was eating time.


"Thanks again for today." I smiled, as we pulled up to my driveway.

"It was a pleasure." Andrew replied. I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye, Andrew." I said, opening my door.

"Goodnight, Isabella."


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