Chapter 1

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     Slipping on the mid-thigh length lace black dress was the last thing I wanted to do. I was depressed and I wanted to sit alone in my apartment. Things just couldn’t seem to get better after what had happened.

      My grandma had passed away a month ago and I had shut myself in my apartment and wouldn’t talk to any of my family or friends. I say my friends but really they were just girls I went out on the town with. I couldn’t talk to them about anything like real friends do because they didn’t care. I wondered why I hung out with them but I realized if it weren’t for them, I would be locked up in my apartment and not doing anything.

     I put my long wavy ash blonde hair into a side French braid and applied a small dose of black eyeliner and mascara to my dull grey eyes. “Blake come on, we have to go, they’re waiting for us outside,” Katie whined. “One more minute,” I argued. I quickly applied chapstick to my lips and slipped on my black combat boots.

     “Wow, you look good,” Katie grinned. She was in an extremely short tight bright red dress with periwinkle pumps on. Her platinum blonde hair was in a sock bun on top of her head. Red lipstick caressed her lips neatly, her blue eyes were surrounded by grey eye shadow and black eyeliner.

     She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my apartment walking impressingly fast for a woman in huge heels and a skin tight dress. She led me to a hot pink Chevy Camaro with two black stripes on the front. Two girls were in the back seats, the driver’s seat and passenger seat were available.

     “Katie, I am not riding around town in this,” I protested. Katie rolled her eyes, “Blake,” she threw her hands in the air, “God, you piss me off sometimes! You have been sitting around in that no good filthy apartment for weeks, you’re coming with us even if we were on two seater bikes!” And with that she opened the passenger door and shoved me into the car.

     With Katie driving we got to the club that would normally take 20 minutes to get to, in 13. There seemed to be a lot of people in there considering there was a line flowing out of the door. “I wonder what’s going on in there for there to be so many people here,” I said aloud.

     “Oh the hard rock band Avenged Sevenfold was seen here earlier, from what I know they’re still in there,” Katie bit her lower lip seductively and raised a brow, “you never know Blake, maybe you’ll hook up with one of them tonight.” Sighing I asked another question, “what are they doing here, in Huntington Beach?” Katie glared at me and sighed annoyingly, “they’re from here! You’re 21 Blake I thought you would know these things by now.” Not even knowing a band called Avenged Sevenfold existed I ignored Katie’s remark and walked with her and the other girls up to the door.

     “How do you plan on getting in without having to wait in this line?” I whispered over to Katie as we walked to the large metal factory door. She turned to me and winked. Walking ahead of me she moved her hips side to side a little more dramatically and stuck out her chest.

     She strutted up to the muscled bouncer and started to whisper something into his ear. As she pulled away I could see a fire in his eyes that wasn’t there before. He grinned devilishly and let her in. She ran her hand along his shoulder as she walked in after waving at us to follow her.

     As I walked inside behind Katie, Jasmine, and Victoria the smell of alcohol hit me hard. I tried ignoring the smell but, it was nauseating.

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