New day

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Izuku POV 3 hours after sports festival at the dorms
'Deku Why did you fuck Mina?" "You curse holy hell." "It's your fault." "Yeah that's fair but she asked for it but anyway aren't you happy?" "Yes but I did almost nothing." "That's not true it's your flames that helped in win but come on can I get a little more time to be In control." "Can't I make you a body?" "Yeah but we can't be separated or else will both go crazy." "Good to know."

I went back into my body stood up and let Deku out as he appeared in front of everyone as the purple disappeared and the blue eye I had turn back to green. I turned to him and high fived him "Who is he Izu?" Mina asked innocently "Well he is the person you had sex with?" " Wait you mean that's wasn't you." I scratched my head. "I mean I did tell you." Deku said nonchalantly "Deku don't be mean." I hit him over the head. "Now come on I'm tired." I said yawning. "Sorry got to go." "Uh why?" Kirishima asked. "Well I cant be separated from izuku here or I will kill everything in sight some goes for him."

We walked up to my dorm as we fell asleep.

Time skip to morning
🍋lemon ahead🍋
When I woke up Deku wasn't there so I ran to a mirror and saw he merged with me. I calmed down as I went back to my room got changed and ran to class when I arrived no one was there or so I thought. "Izuku someone else is here." I thought so. All of a sudden some on unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick and gave me a blow job.

I thought toru I tried to get her head off but failed as Deku took over pushing her head down making her chock on it before coming down her throat. I pulled her head off as I saw her face was complete ecstasy while panting I picked her up and sit her on my lap as I pushed my dick in her pussy as she screamed out.

I pushed deeper before I saw kacchan enter I kept thrusting do to the fact you couldn't see what was happening. She put her hand over her mouth muffling her voice as I got an idea. I started thrusting faster as I started talking to kacchan. "Good morning kacchan," "oh Izu didn't see you good morning, do you smell that?" "What are you talking about your probably imagining it." I said as I came in toru as she screamed I kept thrusting as her face was agheago.

I came inside again after feeling her tighten she fell forward with her head in the crook of my neck. "So do you wanna train when I have time?" "Of course kacchan." I said smiling as I thrusted deeper breaking through toru' womb making her wake up and go back to bouncing as I thrust in. "Oh and can kiri come?" "Yeah you seem to care about her a lot huh?" "Well even though she's a hair for brains she is nice I guess." "Your cute when you act like that."

I said as I came inside toru again earning a sweat moan from her. "What was that Deku?" "Oh nothing hiccuped a bit." "Ok." I thrusted harder as I came hella in toru. I pulled out and thrusted in her ass making her sit up and twitch as I felt the tightness of her ass I activated ofa and thrusted faster pounding the living daylights out of her. I came a bucket load as I disappeared in a flash and dropped toru of in the restroom.
🍋lemon over🍋
I sat back down before kacchan even noticed I was gone. As class began toru appeared from nowhere as shouya and dad walked in. "Ok class today we're not doing anything special so enjoy a free day but I'm taking Rin with me Izu." "Ok mom don't break him." I said as she left me, kacchan and kirishima left to train. "Izu I would like to try out a new super move." "Ok what do you want me to do?" "I want you to attack me at full strength." "Are you sure?" "Yes UNBREAKABLE." She yelled crossing her arms then breaking the x. I unleash my black flames along with ofa but instead of the usual green lighting it was purple.

I yelled. "OERCLOCK:OFA:BURNOUT." with this attack my body unleashes flames that can melt tungsten which has a melting point of 3,442 Celsius. When it hit kirishima she launched back through a tree when the flames went away her arms were charged to a crisp and back had a huge mark and the trees once there were gone for as far as the eye could see.

I picked her up and started to walk towards RG's office when I was half way there she woke up and talked. "Damn that was a strong attack what was it called?" "Burnout." I answered with a small chuckle as I opened the door to her office. She looked at me wide eyed before asking. "What happened?" "Well me him and Bakusis were training as I asked him to hit me with one of his super moves and here we are." I chuckled a bit as RG healed her. "Ok you two head to your next class you'll be fine kiri." "Thanks RG." I picked up kirishima as I carried her to the next class which was midnight..

When we were about to open the door one of 1-b's students blocked me so I pushed her out of the way and entered and sat kiri down as I took my own seat. Soon the rest of the class entered and took there seats as midnight began to talk while ogling me. "Ok class today you'll be picking your hero names." "First katsumi." She walked up with her name. "Empress explosion murder." "yeah no come up with better." By the end of the class we had are names.

When class was over I went out and got to the dorms before everyone being exhausted from using so much energy. I flooped on my bed passing out as I felt izuku take over.

To be continued...
Hey so if you wanted to know there names here they are I changed a couple because I thought the originals were terrible.
List katsumi Bakugou-ground zero
Shouto todoroka-Shoto
Yuga Aoyama-can't Stop twinkling
Mina ashido-pinky
Tsuyu Asui-Froppy
Tenya iida-ingenium
Ochaco uraraka-uravity
Mashira ojira-tailwoman
Denka Kaminari-chargebolt
Eijira kirishima-Red riot
Koja Koda-anima
Rikida Sato-sugar rush
Meza shoji-tentacole
Kyoka jirou-ear Jack
Hanata Sero-cellophane
Fumigake Tokoyami-Tsukuyomi
Toru hagakure-invisa
Momo yaoyarozu-creati
Izuku midoriya-dekiru
But as always bye my sharklings and have a good night\day and please kill me, please?>(;^;)<
Word count:1171

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