Internships pt.2

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Last time on male hero.
I was training with Krash as I got a phone call from
Iida she said it was an emergency so I rushed over while calling todoroka.

Izuku POV

"Hello midoriya what is it?" "I need help meet me at this address." I made it there and sent todoroka the message. "Kit I have to go there is a big villain attack sorry." "Ok." I responded as I fought this red masked lady soon todoroka came we fought exchanging blows as she pulled out a knife I dodged but got knicked by the knife. "Sorrg kid you've got good resolve but at the end of the day you need more but your worth letting live." I sat there stunned as she walked over to iida on the ground. "Don't touch her!" I yelled trying to get up. "Oh isn't that cute." "Don't do this you can still walk away come to ua I have some family that went as villains and left as hero s there is still a chance to change come on I know you can." She dropped the knife but it was already to late as tamura's hand came threw a portal as iida whispered. "I love you." I cried as I get a surge of power.

"You killed her!!!" I jumped into the portal and grabbed tamura and began beating her to death as she bleed from everywhere I killed her I let her bleed out and left as I was about to I found the shadow bitch I teleported back and ripped her body apart. I knocked unconscious as all I saw was the hero killer helping me. I fell asleep calmly as I heard police sirens. I felt arms wrap around me before disappearing I was picked up by a lady and taken home. I awoke to all might there "Hello." I said weakly "Young midoriya your awake." She exclaimed picking me up and bear hugging me. I hugged back as I felt my spine beak. "All might........" I managed to chock out as she put me down. "Well I have great news the hero killer stain has become a teacher at ya and she will be helping during hero basic training." I smiled at her knowing stain could make it. We left and celebrated before I was arrested for the murder of tamura and Kuragira. I just reassured all might as they just wanted to ask question.

I answered there questions and was let free. When done I went home and fell asleep on the living room couch. I was woken by Krash's alt trying to stab me. "Oh I like it when they squirm." "What the hell?" "Yeah for this exercise we're doing endurance, stamina and reflexes good luck kit, your gonna need it." I kept dodging before I got stabbed in the stomach I started bleeding dying. "Oh my god! Kit stay with me!" She yelled I had already healed the wound. I bursted out laughing as she looked at me in shock. "Why are you laughing?" "Look at the wound." I pulled my hands off and showed her my wound already healed.

I laughed more as she kicked the wound I held it in pain as she said. "Asshole." And walked away I was laughing before her alt came back. "If you can heal them." She began stabbing me as it healed within the second. "Please no." I tried to run and barely escaped.

Time skip end of the internships.

I was heading in to my class as I overheard Aizawa sensei talking about the license exam I couldn't wait I wonder who I'm going against.

To be continued...
So this is the next chapter sorta shitty but I had to get it out it's rushed and later I might come back and fix it but for right now it's gonna stay shitty and those who are mad at me for killing iida it was kinda a fluke I got lazy and asked one of my friends in real life what to do but that was a mistake but if you want me to change it ask and you shall receive but as always bye my sharklings and have a good night\day and please kill me, please?

Word count:720

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