Chapter 6

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I woke up, there was a nervous feeling in the air, two days till the wedding and the made of honor got chickenpox, Jo freaked out. To be honest it was super funny.

I set to eat my breakfast with Mer and Derek.

"What do you think Jo gonna do?" Derek asked

"Right now she is freaking out" I said

"Give her up a little her wedding day is in 2 days what is she gonna do?"

"Well, she can be with two bridesmaid" I suggested

"It not gonna work because Alex have 3"

"Who is that 3rd?" I asked

"Derek, Owen and Jackson" Mer answered

"And the bridesmaids?" I asked

"It was suppose to be Stephanie, Meredith and Callie but Stephanie got sick" Derek said

I looked over Derek's shoulder, Jo started to yell on one of the worker and I just couldn't stop myself and started laughing, so doMer and Derek, after we calm down Owen came to our table

"Hey" Derek said

"Good morning" Mer added

And I just nodded, he didn't look at me

"What a drama" he said

"Ya, what do you think is gonna happen?" Derek asked

"I have no idea" he said, there was an awkward silent

"Do you want to sit?" Mer asked

"No thank I'm gonna sit with Marisa" he said and went to other table.

Mer,Derek and I got up from out sits and each one went to his cabin, in my way I got into Alex, "how are you handling this? You know with everything that came up" I asked

"Actually I have an ofer" he said and put his hands on my shoulders

"What?" I asked suspiciously

"Can you be the missing bridesmaid?" He asked with the nicest face he could do

"No!" I replied

"Cristin-..." He started to say

"No! Alex I came her to calm down not to be a bridemade" I said and started to move on back to my cabin but I couldn't because Alex caught my arm

"Ok now you'll listen to me!" Alex started to say "you, and Mer are my family I dont have anyone else but you, I'm not asking you as a friend to take a part in the ceremony I'm asking you as a part of my family" he said, he sound like he is begging, I guess it really important to him

"Ok" I sighed "please tell I will not wear pink" I said and he chuckled

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