chapter 10

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Of corse that I would wanted to stay that way for the rest of my life Owen's fingers wrapped with mine but of corse the universe has other plans.

"Owen" Marisa came to us, I throw Owen's hand from mine and looked at Marisa "we need to go" she said, she looked serious.

"Oh right I forgot" he got up "see ya" he said to me and walked with Marisa.

From the other side of the pool, I saw a voice that I wish I would never hear "Cristina!" April screamed and crossed the pool.

"Crap" I whispered to myself.

She set next to me" I haven't see you for ages"

"I think it was for good" I said and smile.

"Oh you and you're old humor" she smiled at me.

"What's wrong with your face?" I asked

"You haven't changed AT ALL" she kept smiling

"Why? Did you change?"

"Well, I'm married to Jackson we have 2 kids, I'm running Trauma department, so ya I changed" she still smiled

"Can you please stop smiling? It drives me crazy!"

She got up and said "like I said didn't change at all" and walked away.

I walked to the beach, maybe it's not the vacation that I imagined to my self. "Hey where are you going? " mer stopped me.

"Oh just going to the beach" I answered

"Oh if you'll wait for me I could bring us some beer" she said

"Sound like a great plan" I chuckled "I'll wait you there" I said as I was walking to the beach.

Mer arrived after a few minutes, she set next to me and gave me my beer " cheers" she said

"Cheers" I replied "feels like the old days" I laughed a little

"Expect that this beer is not good as the Tequila" Mer added and split a little bit beer

"Well that's what we have"

If you ever come backTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang