Chapter 8

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Before I could understand my whole body was under the water, I took my head out to breath some air after I calmed down I started to freak out

"Are you crazy? What was that all about? What are you a stupid teenager" I yelled and Owen just kept smirking " it's not freaking funny!" I said while I got out off the pool

"Calm down it was fun" he said, playing with the water

"It's not my definition for fun" I said and got out off there, went back to my cabin.

It was late and I wasn't hungry, I just took a shower and set in my garden.

My phone rang 'Owen' there was writing on the screen, I sighed and ignored it, the phone stopped ringing, thank god.

I leaned my head back and calmed down, the phone rang again but this time it wasn't my cellphone it was the hotel's phone. I got up.

"Hello?" I asked suspiciously

"It's not nice to ignore me"


"Ugh" I sighed "you should get something. I'm not interested in talking with you" I said and hung up.

I went back to the chair and set,I had 10 seconds of quite till Owen called again to my cellphone.

"God you're such a pain in the ass" I said

"Hello to you too" he said "listen I'm sorry for what happened"

"It's fine. No it's not fine but I shouldn't yell at you I just was angry"

"So we're cool?" He asked

"We never been cool" I answered.

There was a silent but then "where are you?" Owen asked

"I'm in my garden looking over the view"

"Why won't I will come too?" He asked

"You could come but I won't let you in" I chuckled

"So I'll just stay on the phone. Here with you"

"Okay" I replied.

I could here Owen's breath throw the phone, he breath heavily.

I could here that he's smiling, I don't know why but I'm sure he did.

I sighed and said "goodnight Owen" and hung up.

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