Chapter 16

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Cristina couldn't believed what she had done.

She grabbed her robe quickly while she said "we are late to the wedding" she entered into the bathroom and left Owen lying in the bed.

"Come on" Owen said after he finished buttoned his tux, he slipped his hand into Cristina's.

When they came to the beach it seemed like Jo is having nervous breakdown.

"Where were you?!" She yelled at Owen and Cristina, they tried to stop them self from laughing

Owen was the first to talk "uh, we're sorry" Owen tried to pull some time "Cristina... She couldn't find..."
"My shoe" Cristina completed him

"You know what the time is?!" Jo became red "now it's 19:15! You're late in 15 minutes! Even more, I told you to come before! You don't have a watch?!" Jo yelled, Alex came fast and calmed her down "calm down, let's drink some water" he leaded her to the bar.

"Well, that was weird" Owen chuckled
"Yeah, it was"

Suddenly out of nowhere Marisa came "can I borrow my fiancé for second?" She asked
"He all yours" Cristina said and turned on her heels.

She went to the bar and ordered glass of water, she thought if she'll get drunk now Jo will totally want to kill her.

Mer set beside her "how was with Owen?" She asked
"Was what?" Cristina played her self naive.
"Come on, we both now what happened in your cabin" Mer looked at her and smiled
Cristina said nothing
"Okay, you're not ready to admit it... What did Marisa want from him?" She tried develop a conversation.
"I don't know.. She wanted to be alone with him" she sighed.
Meredith smiled
"What?" Cristina asked
"Nothing" Meredith kept smiling, she looked on her watch "let's go the ceremony is going to start"
Cristina stood between Mer and Callie, while Jo came into the platform, Alex was standing in the middle, waiting for her.

When Jo came to Alex's arms, the priest started to talk. Cristina didn't hear what he was saying, well she did hear but she didn't listen. Her mind was full in thoughts.

Before she could noticed the priest said "now the couples will read there vows"
Jo was the first to begin "Well, when I first knew you I didn't know what love means but now I do. For those who doesn't know what love is let me tell you what is it."

Cristina felt Owen's eyes from the other said of the platform on her skin. "Everything around you becomes hazy. And for one moment you get this amazing gift. And you wanna laugh and you wanna cry because you feel so lucky that you found it, and so scared that it will go away, all at the same time. So there's only one thing left to tell you"

Cristina looked at Jo and Alex it seems like they've been alone, she looked at Owen and he still looked at her, she turned her look away "It's to tell you how much you moved me,how you changed me. You made me who I am and for that I'm eternally grateful."

Jo wiped her tears from her eyes and Alex kissed her.

At this moment everyone clapped there hands, except two people who were looking at each other, feeling like nobody can understand them. Except them self..

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