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On the way home, my mother was all smiles and she didn't even bother to tell me some things she's usually excited to tell.

"Okay mom, you're being creepy, what's up?" I asked and slightly turned her direction waiting for an answer.

"I'm just glad that you enjoyed the interview," mom said and slightly turned to me, too, after stopping at the red light. "Or was it because you were having a fun conversation with a guy earlier, hmm?" mom asked teasingly and I... I just rolled my eyes.

"I hope you're not thinking what I'm thinking, mom," I said and faced front as she started driving again. "My answer would still be no." I added which made my mom whine.

"Just what type of guy do you wanna marry?" Mom asked, still whining.

"Marry? Mom, I haven't even had any boyfriend, I-"

"Exactly! Since you do not know what type of man to date, how would you marry??" she continued whining.

"Oh god, mom," I said. "The right man will come, let's just wait." I added.

"I hope so, dear, I hope so. I don't want our pretty faced clan to end." Mom replied to me which only made me nod my head or else this would have no end.

However, after the 3-second silence, mom started to talk.

"But how about Byun Baek-"

"MOM!" I literally shouted that made her chuckle.

"Okay, okay, mom will stop." mom said while still chuckling.

• • •

"So?" my friend asked, eating her favorite chocolate cookie. "What happened next?" she asked once again.

"What do you mean 'what happened next?' Nothing happened." I replied which made her throw that motherly smile at me again. "And please avoid spilling some cookie crumbs on my bed, Yuju."

"I don't care about your bed right now. I'm curious about-"


"Okay, okay. Geez." Yuju said before throwing her empty cookie pack away and cleaning my bed up before sitting on the ground with me who's busy scrolling through instagram and twitter.

"So anyways-" Yuju cut herself off the moment she took a glance at my phone. "See? Even the girls from our class who once do not have any interest in boys have gone crazy about Byun Baekhyun!" she screamed.

I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled through my instagram until I got fed up with all my schoolmates and classmates posting the same photo, that guy, Byun Baekhyun, posing with a heart sign.

"Yuju, I'm sorry but I really don't like those things and such." I said, now scrolling through my twitter account. "And I'm not like them. Sure, he got the looks and those eyes but-"

"Wait, did you just say, 'those eyes?'" she asked teasingly. "OMG, it's finally happening! You're finally having your first ever crush!" Yuju screamed and I just groaned on the inside.

"What the hell?" I reacted, looking at my own friend weirdly. "What do you mean? I just said he had the looks and charming eyes." I stated.

"See? You said it again!" Yuju squealed.

Noticing my confusion, she pointed out to me, "You never look at some people's eyes, Taeyeon. You never even look at a boy in the eyes," she said, turning a little serious but laughing the moment she finished speaking.

"Remind me why are you my friend again?" I asked in which she replied to by punching me in the arm playfully.

But it hurt.

Made me remind myself to eat more and sleep more.

"Anyways, if you really do not like Baek or something, follow him on instagram and twitter for me, please." Yuju stated rather than asked.

"And why would I do that?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "You do know I do not like following people." I added.

"One reason I do not want to make an account. You probably wouldn't follow anyone except your most beautiful friend here," she said. "But anyways, please follow him and keep me updated." she added.

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief, but did it anyway. Seriously, if this girl isn't my friend, I would've pushed her.


I did it anyways. I searched for Byun Baekhyun's name and followed him in both of my accounts.


He actually got photos that have a lot of likes, well, he is famous, but apart from the likes, I also saw weird comments.

Me and Yuju continued to browse, well I continued to browse the internet while she went and borrowed my laptop. She said she needs to continue writing a chapter in her account, so I let her be, while she asked me to make one for myself to which I told her that I'll be thinking about it.

The day went by with me and Yuju just staying inside my room, doing our own things or reviewing our past lessons to be ready if ever our professors decided to give a surprise quiz.


siijaye's note: 081819

Hi! This was short, but I hope it got better, at least. Also, I don't know what I happened but I think I forgot to save this chapter before exiting it on my phone. 1/4 of the chapter is gone so I had to rewrite it, but I forgot what I put so I just typed in whatever I can remember.

I hope you enjoyed! Have a lovely day!

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