t h i r t y - t w o

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I watched as Taeyeon walked away from me without even looking back or throwing me that warm smile she used to have, making me mess my hair due to frustration.

But why am I even frustrated that she's cold as ice towards me once again?

Is she avoiding me because of what happened last night, or is it just because of me?

"Baekhyun," I heard someone call my name. "Let's go. Shoot's about to start." said Aunt Yena, gesturing me to follow after her.

And I did. I looked at aunt Yena's back before getting lost into my own thoughts once again, like how I did when I left Wooyoung at the cafeteria without even greeting Taeyeon good bye or a simple 'hi.'

"Baekhyun!" Taeyeon said, running towards me while I lay in ground, watching her get near me. "We've been looking for you! Come on now, shoot's about to start!" She said, grabbing me from my shoulder and making me stand up from the grass.

I chuckled at her antics and watch her drag me towards the shooting place. This little girl, really.

"What are you laughing about? I almost had a heart attack when we found out you're missing!" She nagged, looking at me every now and then while also watching the road we're walking through. "Next time tell me, or even someone, where you'll he going before you disappear into thin air!" She added as we reach the classroom we're gonna shoot at.

I shook my head and groaned, trying to not get too drowned in my own memories just as I stepped outside the school, and now, we're here by the garden.

Garden. This is where Taeyeon said she was going, I wonder where she's at.

Just as I was about to look for her around, even though my brain said I did not want to but my very own self does, I spotted Taeyeon sitting under the tree with a surprised expression she immediately erased the moment we stared at each other's eyes.

"Kim Taeyeeoon! OMG!" I heard Tiffany come from behind me and dashed towards Taeyeon who was sitting there quietly and beautifully. "It hasn't been a whole day but I missed you already!" I heard Tiffany say towards Taeyeon before pulling her for a bear hug in which Taeyeon responded to by hugging her back and giving Tiffany a heart warming smile.

How I wanted to be the reason behind that.

Wait, what?

"Baekhyun, come here!" I snapped back to reality as quickly as I got lost in my own thoughts. "Didn't you miss Taeyeon, Baek?" Tiffany asked just as she dragged me towards where Taeyeon was.

"Uh, no, not really," I calmly said. Truth is, I miss this dork so much. I meant it whenever I say I miss her. "Why would I even miss her? I saw her face everyday for two months." I added, realizing what I said just after it left my mouth.

"He's right, Fany," I heard Taeyeon say as she lowered her head down. "Anyway, it seems like you're gonna shoot a scene here. I better get going." She added before trying to leave.

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