t w e n t y - f i v e

231 16 0

25 • TIME



I hopped my way towards my first class, not minding the stares the other students keeps on giving me while I enjoy being in a good mood.

I entered my first class and immediately sat beside Yuju before someone does since we only have about a minute or so before the first lecture of the day starts.

"What's gotten you so happy and hyped this morning, my Taengoo?" Yuju asked the moment I saw myself down the seat to her left. "You seem to be in a much more vibrant mood compared to other days~" Yuju added, humming as she stated her words.

"I guess I had a good sleep?" I replied, getting myself and my things ready for our first class. "Is it bad to be this happy though?" I added, looking at Yuju when the professor entered the room and dropped his belongings with such force that even the noisiest kid inside shut himself up.

"Those people think so highly of themselves so much it pisses me off so much," Everyone heard the professor whisper to himself, unfortunately loud enough for the whole class to hear.

Not even realizing what he said was heard by everyone, he took out his student ledger and started taking attendance before beginning the lecture.

And I don't know why, but I felt unknown chills every time he draws his attention towards me, it was as if he was trying to intimidate in which he was slowly succeeding to.

"Taengoo," Yuju called. "Taengoo. Taengoo!" Yuju called once again before nudging my side. It's weird. I heard Yuju calling but it's as if the professor in front of me was preventing me to process what's happening in my surroundings.

"What?" I asked in confusion while I felt everyone's attention on me, causing me to feel a chilling goosebumps all over my body.

"Mister Yu is calling you. You know you should pay attention to his class." Yuju whispered back at me, forcing me to stand up on my own seat.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, trying to look straightly to his eyes but to no avail. Instead, he was the one staring right into my soul.

Which was weird since I used to look at him in the eye whenever I get called out.

I saw the glint of anger in mister Yu's eyes. It was slight, but not unnoticeable.

"Kim Taeyeon," Mister Yu said in a venomous voice that made even someone from behind me gasp in surprise. This is the first time we're seeing our professor acting like this. "Next time, pay attention in our class, or I might just have to talk to you about it." He added, adjusting his eyeglasses.

"Understood." I replied and sat down my seat as quickly, and quietly, as possible. After that small event, the class and discussion went smoothly although there were small talks and whispers about how mister Yu was acting weird today.

And finally, study hall came. Some of us doesn't use that time to study, though. Almost every one of the students were playing and screwing around while students who study around this time are very rare to find.

"It's slowly getting boring each and everyday as we get older," I heard Yuju speak beside me before I turned to look at her only to see that she was already staring at me. "So Taengoo, please tell Baekhyun to hype up our lives." She added which almost made snort.

"What do you call Baekhyun's drama then?" I asked back, playing with my small sketchpad's cover before finally taking my pencil and thought of something to draw.

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