Chapter 18: Plan against Evils

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707's POV
It's night time now.
I wonder if (Y/N) is gonna try anything..
"Pssst! Seven-!"
She is not sneaky whatsoever.
I turn around and help her down from the vent.
"How was" I ask.
"It was okay, but he seems to have multiple personalities or something," she replies. It looks like she has a lot she wants to say, but she keeps quiet.
"(Y/N)...I'm sorry."
"Seven, it's fine, I know I bothered you and all-"
"No! You never did anything wrong-! It's me! I'm dangerous. I didn't want you to get mixed up in that and I didn't know that this company would target my friends or that my brother-!"
I stop myself. She grabs my hands.
"It's going to be okay, Seven. Let's get everyone out of here, okay? And let's save him," she replies softly.
A plan, huh?
"I'm the Defender of Justice. Let's do this," I reply, cracking a small smile.
And thust a plan was made with nothing saying it would work but shear hope. And hope is all we needed.
We discussed the plan quietly.
I helped her slip into the vent.
I grabbed her hand and planted a small kiss on it.
"Let's do this."
Wot??? A short chapter and a cliffhanger???empty promises for a longer chapter?? Fear not, dear reader! We shall escape Mint Eye!
The plan shall commence! the next chapter!!!
~lex has left the chat.

(707xShe/HerReader) (High School AU) Dangerous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now