Purple meets Hazel. Chapter 1.

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The galra Kingdom was ruled by Queen Krollia and king Joe.                                                                            (I'm so sorry keith father dont have a name so I'm just gonna name his joe)

The galra kingdom was strong but also at peace with many allies. They planet was loved and lived calmly as they king and queen ruled. At first the galra kingdom didnt agree with the queen marrying a human but he soon earned their respect. Sadly when a small war broke out the king was killed leaving the queen and their three sons when they were still young. 

Their first son was prince shiro. He was someone you could call a true prince, he acted kindly and was someone you trust. He married prince Adam from earth and is living on earth with his husband helping with the ruling. Shiro was more like his dad and many respect him. He was a good fighter but most importantly he was a good leader who cared for his people on both planet. 

Their second son was prince lotor. He is unmarried and is still living at the castle, he what you call a free range prince. Well most would call him a man-whore and a dick. He dose whatever he likes and would often bring ladies to him room for fun. He also mess with maids or butlers if he liked the look of them making trouble inside the castle. He didnt care if they were married or not, if he wanted them he got them. He was spoiled and harsh to those he didnt see important. He truly was a stuck up prince and yet he still have both women and men fanning over him for his looks and riches. 

The last son was prince Keith. He was you call a solo prince. Keith didnt really act like a prince either. He was a good fighter and would often help the soldiers out with training but when it came to acting like a proper prince he couldn't really care less. He didnt sociable well with others and always kept his distant from people. Losing his dad affect him most and since then he didnt really smile or open up to anyone. He doesn't really get along with his older brother lotor but he dose get along well with shiro. Keith is more of the free spirt but cold prince. 

As keith was reaching his eighteen birthday his mother made an degree. Keith was to marry by the time he turned nineteen. She will be holding a ball from royals and not royals to come so keith could meet them and by the end of the night he chose thirty people to stay and each week he chose only one to go home. One he chose someone to marry he would become king for the galra. While queen Krollia felt proud of her degree and saw it as a good idea since it was time for her to stand down soon, keith didnt take it well at all. 

"mother" keith yelled as he ran down the halls of the castles trying to find his mother after hearing the news from his right hand man lance an altean who was kicked out from his planet. Everyone knows the altean are very proud and prideful. They dont have mix blood children since they see mix blooded altean as a disgrace and its acceptable to kill any half bloods. They made an alliance with the galra but no one who not altean may touch their planet or it start a war with them. Lance lost his family due to the war when he was a young child and since he didnt become a altean soldier like the other orphanage children he was kicked of the planet and keith made him his right hand friend. He was a child and didnt need a right hand man but he didnt want to just leave someone to die because they didnt go with the flow and so he gave him a new life. 

"yo keith, over here" Lance grinned and pointed to a door behind him, this was his way of telling keith where the queen was sitting without disturbing her. "thanks" Keith hissed and ran into the room to find his mother drinking tea at a small table. "mother" Keith said with anger as he walked over to her. "oh did you hear the good news my son"  Krollia smiled brightly as she looked up to her angry son. "how is a forced marriage and being king good news, I dont want either of them" Keith hissed and crossed his arms. "look keith, its hard to rule by yourself I know it since I ruled alone from a young age until I met your father during an earth alliance meeting and fell in love, its easier to rule with someone and now its your time to find that someone"  Krollia smiled and patted her son leg. "I dont want to be king, why can lotor or shiro become king" Keith asked. "shiro is already a king on earth with his husband king Adam, he cant rule here and lotor is a spoiled slut who I wouldn't trust with our people, keith you need to look after this planet not them"  Krollia said with a kind smile and stood. 

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