Hope. Chapter 9.

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Pidge has been trapped in the cage for a week now and started to gain info from the many men that enter the place. It seemed this was that kind of place, where they sold slaves and enjoyment. Lucky for Pidge she wasn't allowed to be sold until next week since no one wanted a injured slave or toy. It seemed they sold anyone not sure females or certain aliens. They sold female and male and any types of Alien. 

Pidge was sleeping in her cage until she heard the owner talking to his men and a rare person who was caught. She listened her heart stopped when she heard them say the name Keith. She knew it was highly unlikely it would be her keith but she was still scared it being him. That when she deicide to finally sneak out and help others escape. She knew ships was left on the roof with only a single guard. She knew not many guards walking around at night, they most patrol once then went to the side room and played cards all night. She knew where the spare keys was and already planned her escape. She was gonna wait until the night before she gets sold but after hearing keith name she was going to do it tonight. She pretend to sleep as the guard walked around the room checking each gate, she pretend to wake up as he shined the light in her face. 

"master" Pidge acted making the guard laugh. "dont worry you be sold soon" the guard laugh and Pidge crawled to the cage bars. "wouldn't you be my master" Pidge said with a sexy smirk and big eyes making him lick his lips. "well i guess you should feel what a real man is like" he smirked and went to open her cage, Pidge let him unchain her since he thought she was weak and too lustful to escape. Soon the guard was kissing her neck and she slipped her hands to his belt and pulled out his Taser zapping him until he passed out. She chained him up and stripped him until he was only wearing his pants and vest. She dressed as the guard and cut the cage locking it before walking to each cage unlocking the doors. "head to the top floor, use this Taser to take down any guards you find but dont attack if you can sneak around them, i be sending more up so dont leave yet" Pidge warned the six others that was in the same room  as her and they nodded before walking. 

She did a deep voice and spoke into the radio saying she was going for a ship to make sure the guards dont wonder what take her so long. After an laugh of the other guards she heard an ok and started heading to other rooms. She looked at each face as she free them and told them the plan. Soon she only had one room left and free the six inside but no keith, she pulled one person over asking if a keith was in any of the cages and yet again another told her no. Each room she free all said no to meeting a keith. Pidge knew that the owner would have placed him in the cage in his office since he was so important. She careful sneak over to the office and broke open and vent to his room knowing he had a trap set on his door if someone that wasn't him tried to get in. She jump down and looked around the office seeing a golden cage and heard a small growl. 

"listen buddy I'm hear to free you, no need to be violent with me" Pidge said in a soft voice and she walked over and took out the key slowly unlocking the cage, the room was too dark to see inside the cage making her fear the growls more. She careful felt along the chains to find his arms and legs chains so she could unlock them. 

"I'm just looking for the lock, dont worry I'm not going to hurt you" Pidge said with a kind smile that the guy couldn't see but could guess by her voice. She unchained his legs then his arms and before she knew it he pinned her to the ground. Growls aimed at her and she feared for her life. 

Forced or Fate (Kidge)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin