Trouble. Chapter 5.

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It was the end of the week and tonight they were holding another ball when one lady will be sent home. Pidge was walking around the castle during the day without care as other ladies tried finding the prince or tried to get close with the queen or lotor hoping they help them win the bride title. Since Pidge stayed away from the royals or anyone really close to the prince she was hoping he send her home without care. She skip a little at the thought of seeing matt again by the ship by the end of the night. She smiled as she thought about her and her brother flying to earth to start a new life. She really couldn't wait and didnt notice a person in front of her, making her walk into them and she fell to the floor by the force. 

"oh sorry" Pidge said rubbing her neck and looking up to meet with lotor. "watch where your going" Lotor hissed at her making her frown a little. All she did was bump into him and she already said sorry but he still acts like an ass. "i make sure not to do it again" Pidge sighed and went to stand up but Lotor pushed her back down. "hey" Pidge yelled. "you think sorry is enough after someone like you bumped into me" Lotor hissed back at her and Pidge took a deep breath so she wouldn't hit him. "it was only a small bump, its not like your hurt or anything" Pidge hissed and sat up while glaring at the prince. "you right i didnt get hurt but i could have been, what would you do if you injured the second prince" Lotor yelled at Pidge and lifted his hand to hit her. 

"it seems lotor yelling at another maid, poor girl" Lance sighed as he, keith and James were walking down the halls after a small meeting. "i wonder why he yelling at them this time, last time it was because she didnt meet his eyes when passing" James sighed since lotor often yells at the maids, butlers or guards. "no clue but i better stop him before he attracts the ladies after my hand in marriage and make rumours about me" Keith sighed and started to walk a little quicker but when he noticed lotor rising his hand at Pidge he started to run.  

"i teach you some mangers you slave" Lotor yelled and Pidge kicked his feet making him fall. "please dont touch me, i dont know where your been" Pidge hissed and brushed her borrowed dress to make sure it looked clean. "you bitch, how dare you strike a prince" Lotor yelled with anger and went to hit pidge from behind but was stopped by keith grabbing his arm. "that enough, do you wish for the queen to hear about this" Keith warned with anger in his eyes and let go of lotor arm. "she needs to be taught a lesson" lotor hissed. "the third prince will decided that himself since he the one choosing a bride" Lance said with a small smile. "whatever" Lotor hissed and walked away. "he as mean as ever" James sighed. 

"are you ok" Keith asked with worry as he turned to Pidge. "I'm fine, thanks for the save" Pidge smiled at him making Keith smile grow. "we still here" lance laughed. "i know, i was checking her over" Keith blushed and looked away. "so is the second prince often like this" pidge asked with a small smile. "yeah, he always yelling at people he know who cant yell back" James said with a frown. "someone should teach him a lesson" Pidge pouted making keith smile at how cute she looked. "I'm sure they will" Keith smiled and ruffled Pidge hair. 

"well i guess we be seeing you at tonight ball, make sure to save keith a dance" Lance grinned and giving a wink at Pidge. "sure, if you dont mind dancing with me once more" Pidge asked with a sweet smile as she looked into keith eyes. "why wouldn't i wanna dance with someone so cool" Keith smiled. 

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