Taken. Chapter 8.

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Soon a week has passed and the castle was now less filled. Allura left to go back to her home planet and wasn't very happy with what happened in the castle or the fact that keith wouldn't see her at all since the court. King Adam and shiro left since they still need to look after earth and took matt with them just like Pidge asked. Matt seemed to love earth since he called her straight away and told her about his first day on earth. She knew he had his own little house and would be starting work somewhere next week thanks to shiro. Hunk and Lance went on a side mission for Keith and wont tell Pidge what it was about. Prince lotor seemed to stay in his part of the castle bring girls home every night and having fun with them. The queen left to visit a planet not too far away for a allies meeting since it was due. 

The blade of Marmora had to go on an emergency mission meaning Keith had to Leave Pidge alone in the castle. She waved at Keith ship as he flew away and knew he was smiling from inside. He did send her a small text the next day before he slept in the small camp they made. It made Pidge smile how he still thought of her even when he had to go save a planet or something. 

Pidge felt lonely in the castle since keith was gone. She got so use to waking up and running to him as he walked to training. She got use to eating with him and watching him train before the two would hang all day. She got use to lance and hunk jokes and talks. She missed everyone and wished for them all to return soon. 

She knew James was still in the castle since he was a normal guard but could never find out where he was working. She looked around and tried to find his name on the list but no luck. The maids and butlers didnt agree with Pidge being the future queen since she was mixed blood. She tried to leave the castle and look into town hoping to pass the time but the guards would send her back. They kept saying they had orders to make sure you didnt leave. One day Pidge manage to sneak out and hit the town and that when she noticed James. He was patrolling the town and she guessed he been patrolling all week. 

She bought two apples and walked started walking next to him until he turned to her with a laugh. "hello princess" James laughed as Pidge was walking like him while carrying the two apples. "why hello sir guard" Pidge laughed back and passed him an apple that he took with a kind smile. "thanks for the apple but how come your out here and not in the castle" James asked with a small smile knowing keith wouldn't let her wonder around alone. "hunk and lance is on a side mission for the prince, the queen doing peace work, matt on earth, keith had to go on a blade of Marmora, the maids and butlers dont accept me and the guards keep acting cold so I sneaked out hoping to find something to do" Pidge sighed and took a bite into her apple. "sounds rough, you can hang with me while I patrol but just stick close, this town not always so good with alteans" James warned and Pidge nodded with a small smile. "thanks, I think I go mad If I had to go back with everyone glaring at me and just sitting watching the sun all day" Pidge sighed and James laughed. "no worries and we friends, we always help each other out" James smiled and so did Pidge. 

"so do you enjoy patrol duty" Pidge asked as they walked. "yeah its my favourite but it dose mean I spend a week away from the castle sadly and miss out on any news or hanging out with the others" James said with a small smile. "I bet" Pidge smiled. "do you know when the others will return" James asked with a kind smile. "nope, keith told me he be back as soon as he can and the others didnt even give me a answer" Pidge smiled and the two came to a stop at a little shop. "well I'm got to patrol the edge of the woods now to make sure children dont get taken or lost, you better head back" James said with a smile. "i understand, see you next week" Pidge smiled. "your welcome to sneak out tomorrow, i be patrolling this street again in the morning" James grinned and Pidge smirked before nodding. "thanks" Pidge smirked and headed to the castle. 

"princess" a blade of Marmora soldier named nic said with worry as he ran over to her. "oh hey" Pidge smiled since she gets along with the blade of Marmora soldiers, she knew a couple were left behind to keep an eye on the castle and base but didnt expect to see them. Pidge wasn't allowed in the base when a high rank blade of Marmora was around so if anything goes wrong she be safe and cant be blamed. "you must follow me, something happened why you was in town" nic said with worry and Pidge started to worry. "what happened" Pidge asked as she followed Nic and knew he was leading her to the base. "it seems lotor knew how many maids and butlers dont agree with your blood as queen and gave them weapons to kill you, since they knew no one who has the power to stop them is in the castle, they gonna try killing you now" Nic said with fear and Pidge went pale.

"kill me, they go that far to make sure I'm not queen" Pidge asked with fear. "yes I'm sorry princess but we cant protect you, so we going to let you fly into space with your old ship" nic smiled trying to calm her a little. "thank you" Pidge smiled. "no worried I'm sorry we cant protect you, just fly to this planet since we have a small base their that will protect you no matter what and we sent Keith a warning as well" nic smiled and they arrived to the training area with her ship in the middle. 

"please take care and i wish you good luck" nic smiled and shook Pidge hand. "you boys be careful as well, i dont want to return and find you hurt" Pidge smiled and entered her ship. She started her ship up and started flying. Once she got of the planet Pidge got changed into her boyish clothes to keep undercover a little. She knew this wasn't going to be easy and wearing a fancy dress would just make it harder on her. 

As she flew she was met with a couple other ships that seemed to want her dead. Since the first thing they did was shoot at her, Pidge using her brave made a plan while moving out the way from the shots. She shot back a little trying to not do anything fatal even if they weren't gonna do the same. 

Soon Pidge was out numbered and her ship was hit badly making her lose control. She tried her best to find a safe landing but when was her luck any good. She crashed into a cold planet harshly making the ship more damaged then she needed. A bit of meatal went into her side and she hit the dash of the ship hard making blood fall from her head. She undid her seat belt and tried to get out of her ship knowing they find her soon and knew she wouldn't be able to fight. The world was starting to go dark and her breathing slowed.

It seemed she was surrounded already with every type of weapon aimed at her. She closed her eyes ready for death and fell to the ground with a thud. The clear ice was soon stained by her blood and Pidge colour fell from her face. 

When she opened her eyes again she was in a cage and her wounds was stitched up. She looked around to see not so friendly looking men looking at her like a prize. She went to stand but the chains around her feet and arms stopped her. Pain hitting her like a bitch made her grunt and close her eyes once more.

She kept thinking of keith trying to forget everything around her. She was hoping he come save her just like the stories her parents once told her. She wanted to at least see keith smile once more if she was going to die. 

She wanted to see keith more then anything but instead she was in a cage full of fancy and scary men. Tears started to form in her eyes and she quickly closed them trying to know show how weak she felt and seemed. She would normally be sassy and thing of a great way to escape but she couldn't see any hope this time.

Her injuries were barely fixed and she could feel all the pain still. Her eyes couldn't focus that well becuase of the dry blood covering them. They chains dig into her making her feel even more pain. She couldn't think straight and she just wanted to be in Keith arms. She wanted to chat with him for hours and laugh the night away. She wanted to dance with keith and watch him train. She just wanted keith. 

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