Part 20

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The next day is really awkward for Minju and Chaeyeon, they cant talk, they cant look at each other. All they can do is take a glimpse of each other, Because of the awkwardness the two didnt talk at all. Minju starts hanging out with Yujin and Chaeyeon is hanging out with Sakura.

Yujin's POV

I am with Minju right now in the practice room, it should be Chaeyeon who's revising the dance steps with her but since last night they've been so awkward, I bet because everyone caught them kissing by the door.

That scene pain my heart, I hope both of them can be honest with each other. Clearly Minju is trying to make n fall for her as her not as Minguri, and I think Chaeyeon only see Minguri in Minju.

And as for me, I think I'm starting to like Minju, like how I see Wonyoung before. I think I'm ready to move on from my bestfriend. I think......

I like Minju because I feel like I have to protect her, I feel like am the Prince Charming that will save her from all the heartache in this world. I think that she'll be more happy with me than Chaeyeon. I just feel it okay don't argue with me.

'so when are you gonna tell her?' I asked.

'I don't know Yujin. To be honest I think its much better that she doesnt know.' she said.

'but would you lie to your First Love, I mean she was your bestfriend too.' I said.

'yeah..' she replied with a sad tone.

'Hey dont be sad, wanna go grab some ice cream with me?' I asked.

'Sure, you gonna pay for it.?' she asked smiling.

'ofcourse, but dont expect something expensive am not like Chaeyeon who is loaded with money.' I said.

'I wont' she replied laughing.

So we went to the Ice Cream shop, when we arrived there Sakura and Chaeyeon are in there, they didnt see us but Minju saw them. Both of them are laughing and it looks like they are enjoying each others company.

'I thought their date is tomorro but why are they together.' I said, forgetting about Minju liking Chaeyeon.

'hmm who knows, remember they got along very well since the first day of university.' she replied with eyes nearly tearing up.

She's jealous ofcourse.

'Hey, you have me don't be sad.' I said.

'well, to be honest I don'y what will I do without you, you are the only person who knows my secret and the one am close with.' she said.

'yah stop this drama, lets go to another shop.' I said and we start walking.

Wonyoung's POV

I am walking to the Ice cream shop alone when I saw two familiar back view walking to the Ice cream shop. It's Yujin and Minju, they are walking side by side, laughing and smiling at each other.

Why am I hurting like this, I know Yujin is only my bestfriend but why am I hurting like this?

I stop and just watched them walk far away from me, my tears starts falling, and I think I cant stop anymore.

Then someone pull my hand and hug me tight it's Eunbi Unnie. As always our reliable Unnie.

'Shhssss stop crying.' Eunbi Unnie said.

[Authors Note: I dont think I have clearly stated their age in this story, Only Wonyoung is young, the other 10 members are same age, Eunbi older by 1.5yrs than the 10 members and Ka Eun is 2 3 years olders.]

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