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i want to fall in love.

the first time would be with a person who will take my sorrow away. they will take the loneliness out of my arms and into their own.

we will look through the world together blindly in rose-coloured lenses. the fragrance of flowers and purity will overwhelm us.

i will gossip about them to my loved ones, my blood will boil with excitement and fear. they will frighten me, just as i frighten them.

how can someone that godly walk this earth without their flaws destroying them?

they are not like the rest of us common folk. they will become my everything as well as take my first everything away.

this first love will never fade. though, as time passes we'll grow weary of each other. they will smell of the same citrus scent. their routines will be the same with or without me, and the dates will still always be at the fast-food place down the street of their house.

eventually, we'll agree to part ways.

my second love will be one of tragedy.
they will teach me how love is a curse. they will become my reason for many tears lost, emptying out anything i had left from my first love.

they will drive me insane.

no butterflies around them, no rose-coloured world. just one of black and white.

oh my, im a sucker for a good tragedy.

their voice will be enough to make my knees weak. a touch of their fingertips against my skin will be enough to light up the aching sensation below my stomach.

their everything will not become my everything, but they will be the reason i am still living.

they will teach me many things, making me forget the naive little girl i was. they'll shape me into a woman worth conquering.

this love will betray me.

till the very end they will have taught me. several things like lust, characteristics hidden inside of me, what it means to be bewitched, and what it is to hate. they will have forced me to grow up.

from this second love, i will know the pains of loving.

the third time will be unexpected.

i will not be looking for love after my second experience. i'd live a life peacefully without the burden of caring for another.

however, this third lover wasn't an amateur either. they've lived with love in their hearts for a while now, despite their experiences of torture.

although, to no avail, they chose to carry love with them. this is what my second lover failed on doing. he hadn't loved me back.

the third lover will take out the daggers from on my back. they'll wipe off the blood and stitch me up together. not letting anymore of my rich scarlet rivers bless the earth below.

i'd slowly fall in love with them.

appreciating every little thing they do. admiring every little flaw they have.

i'd love them the way i love a good song.
no matter how many times id replay a song, it'll always sound a bit different. id discover lyrics i wouldn't have heard beforehand, and  beats that shake my heart to its core.

they'd have stars in their eyes and moo dust in their hair. every time id glance for too long, id die a bit inside from their beauty.

they'll teach me things too. how to love myself, what frightens me, what excites me. what im interested in, where i want to go, what i want to do. they'll have changed me for the better.

i won't need to dress up for them like my first love. i won't need to seduce them like my second love. i can just be myself, whatever that may be.

they'll open another world for me. not one of rose-coloured glass, nor one of black and white. just simply clear vision, with them in sight.

i know that one day i will experience these loves, maybe more than once. although, i am fearful. i am a tad bit excited for this journey of growth.

we'll just have to wait and see.

-the three lovers

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