Fell X Male! Reader (Part 2)

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Narrator's POV

The smile on (M/n)'s face only brightened once he saw his beloved boyfriend's face. Fell and (M/n) have been online dating for the past two months and they've been doing fairly well.

"And then Papyrus literally kicked me out for the night! Like, who does that??" Fell wailed to his boyfriendabout one of his brotherly interactions with Papyrus. (M/n) laughed loudly, making sure to relish the way Fell's face burned a bright red from anger and slight embarrassment.

After more hours of joking around and sharing memes, (M/n) brought up a topic they have been meaning to discuss for a while.

"I wonder how kissing youwould feel like," (M/n) suddenly voiced, lookibg Fell's irises straight on. The skeleton's white face dusted with red, "I know I'd feel good with your soft lips on mine," Fell flirted back. (M/n) smiled with a tiny bit of blush on his face.

"Fell," (M/n) called put to his boyfriend, "Would you like to come over?"

Fell stared at his screen with disbelief. He was hesitant at first but gave a firm nod. (M/n) smiled warmly at his laptop screen, his eyes sparkled and his face flushed, "Can't want to see you."


Fell shut his laptop tight. He jumped on his bed and used a pillow to cover his blushing face. (M/n) just asked him over, his house, just the both of them, together, alone. Fell blushed more at the mere thought of go ally hugging his boyfriend, the heat on his face became more prominent as his mind wandered. Yeah, he was excited.


"I won't be home this weekend," Papyrus looked at Fell with an expression that said where-the-fuck-will-you-be-then?. Fell didn't look at his younger brother, just kept staring at his breakfast.

"I'm going over to (M/n)'s" he announced. Papyrus looked at his brother with nonchalant sockets, like he always does, and shrugged it off with a grunt. "Why isn't he coming here?" Papyrus asked, clearly worried, but he'd never admit it out loud.

Fell explained how (M/n) was a college student and didn't want to be late for his morning classes on Monday. Papyrus asked why he couldn't just leave Sunday night but Fell countered saying they wanted to spend a lot of time together.


Friday 4:00 pm arrived faster then Fell had expected. He felt anxious and excited, happy but worried. What if (M/n) didn't like the real him once they finally met? What if everything was a sick game and he was bound to get hurt? Fell's mind went racing with anxious thoughts overtaking the positive ones.

Papyrus noticed his brother's wuuberinh body and pat him on his skull to comfort him. "If he does anything to hurt You, I'll kill him!" Papyrus half jokingly threatened, Fell chuckled at Papyrus' protective side, he really like it when he showed it. "Thanks, Boss."

The train ride took at least three hours, Fell's mind had taking a pause in negative thinking. Fell let out a shacky breath as he walked out of the train. He dragged his small case, containing a couple and underwear, our of tbenewly arrived section, anxiously biting on his bones. The other occupants stared at him weirdly, maybe because he was a skeleton or maybe because he was blushing beet red.

Fell's irises hurriedly moved around, obviously searching for something, rather someone. His red eyes lit up as he spotted familiar mass of (h/c) hair.



They both shouted, running was monsters and humans alike, shoving past bodies without even stopping to apologise, all that mattered was meeting the other, hugging him, kissing him, f-.

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