The Main Instigator

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The next morning brought with it a new plan for Gajeel. He had his children on his side, and now he needed Levy to remember him. The question was how. Gajeel could not think of a way to get it started so his next plan of action would be to consult with Lucy. She was the one who brought them to the village in the first place.

"I think it's about time that I have a sit down with Blondie," Gajeel stated to his furry partner that afternoon.

"That's a good idea. She still hasn't told us the whole story," Lily replied. "But what about your lesson today with Shutora?"

"Yeah, about that. I was hoping that you'd go in my place. Just tell her that I had something important to discuss with her Aunt Lucy."

"Alright. I think I'll give her a lesson on being more gentle with animals," Lily thought out loud, grimacing to himself.

"Gihee. Good luck with that. I'm headin' out now. I want to get this talk over with," Gajeel said with a wave of his hand as he left. He made his way to Lucy's place and found her tending to the garden again. Not wanting to sneak up on her, he called out while he was still a good distance away. "Oy, Cheerleader! We need to have a chat." Lucy glanced up with an annoyed look on her face.

"Really? You're still on that old nickname. I haven't worn a cheering uniform in years," she retorted with a small smirk playing on her lips. Though the name annoyed her, it was kind of nice to hear it again.

Wasting no more time on pleasantries, Gajeel got straight to the point, "I need ya to tell me everything. Levy needs her memories back, and I know ya brought me here for the same reason."

Lucy nodded, "Of course, Gajeel. Come inside. I'll make tea."

When the two mages entered Lucy's house, the stellar mage got to work on the tea while Gajeel sat down on her couch. The room was very neat and clean. Gajeel felt a little awkward being surrounded by such fashionable furniture. Levy's house was much more comfortable. When Lucy entered the room, holding a tray of refreshments, Gajeel got down to business.

"So what's the plan, Blondie?"

"The plan is for Levy to fall for you again. It's progressing beautifully, thanks to you," Lucy retorted with a smirk. Gajeel furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Ya think she'll remember everything if she's with me again? And what do ya mean it's progressing?" Gajeel had already planned on winning Levy back, but he was not sure how that would jog her memories.

"Yes to the first question, and what I mean is exactly what I said. You're doing great! Better than I had expected, honestly. I was a bit worried when you spent all your time with the twins, but Levy appreciates it. She also tells me things like how attractive she finds you and how your creepy smile melts her heart," Lucy giggled at the end.

"Creepy smile?" Gajeel growled.

"Yes, but your daughter has the same one so when you do it together, it's actually quite cute," Lucy teased, causing Gajeel's face to heat up.

He cleared his throat and changed the embarrassing topic, "so, uh, how exactly did ya get yer memories back?"

"Well... It's a bit of a long story..." Lucy hesitated.

"Well then leave out the unnecessary details. I don't need to know what cosplay ya had on or what the weather was like, gihee," Gajeel joked.

"Damnit, Gajeel! I don't cosplay!" Lucy cried which made Gajeel laugh more.

"Well on with it, Blondie. I'm not as smart as ya or the shrimp. I need more information," Gajeel prompted.

Lucy sighed, "Fine. Just drink your tea and listen." Gajeel did what he was told, and Lucy thought for a moment on how to begin. "Okay. So one day about a year ago, I decided to go on a solo job. It went smoothly, and I was on my way back. While on the train, I came across an issue of Sorcerer Weekly. I had never seen the magazine before, or so I thought at the time. It look interesting enough for some light reading to pass the time, so I started flipping through it.

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