The Man With The Fairy Tattoo

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"Oy! I still have fifteen minutes!" Gajeel complained as he was shoved out of the door by his exceed. He had a pack full of picnic supplies and nervous twitch in his leg. "I just need five more minutes to collect my thoughts."

"No, Gajeel. Your constant pacing was making me dizzy. Plus, you know Levy has always been a punctual person. If there was any way to impress her, being early would be it. Now go," Lily ordered sternly, closing and locking the door when he was finished.

"Damned cat. If this doesn't go well, it'll be yer fault," Gajeel growled at the door before walking the short distance to Levy's house. This just felt wrong. It was too soon. He had not even had a proper talk with Levy yet. The kids were his main focus until now, and he had not had time to mentally prepared himself.

When he arrived at Levy's home, he immediately knocked before he had time to regret it. There was a short lived shuffling from the other side of the door. It then opened to reveal much more than he had expected. This was definitely the blond's doing, and it was not fair at all. Levy had answered the door wearing her old little orange dress and headband. Gajeel felt the sudden urge to wrap his arms around her and never let go again. However, it was not possible as things were. She would be terrified and might just kill him.

"Hello, Gajeel! You're early," Levy greeted him with her beautiful smile. "Let me just grab one last thing, and we can go. Come on in." Gajeel entered the front room almost robotically. He could not relax. Levy left the room briefly and came back holding a small paper bag. "Okay. Where are we headed?"

Gajeel tried his best to focus on his reply, "We're gonna have a picnic over in the park."

"Oh, that sounds lovely!" Levy said with excitement before leading him back outside.

The walk did not take long due to the small size of the village. Gajeel had found a quiet place for them to eat and talk freely. He was encouraged by Levy's bright attitude towards this outing. She seemed to be quite happy to be accompanying him. He laid out the blanket for them to sit on and handed her one of the sandwiches Lily had made for them.

"I'm glad ya agreed to this. I'd been meanin' to talk with ya more," Gajeel stated to break their silence.

"I have been, too. It's strange how your presence already seems so normal. Even though it's only been a few months, it feels like you've always been with us," Levy admitted. Gajeel stared at his little shrimp for a moment before turning away. He did not want to creep her out.

"T-that so? That's nice to hear, I guess," Gajeel replied awkwardly. This was going to be impossible. Levy smirked at him, sensing his nervousness.

"So, Gajeel, tell me about yourself. You're part of a guild, right? What's that like?" Levy prompted, hopefully to alleviate his tension.

"It's fine. My guild is pretty wild, but everyone is treated like family," Gajeel answered. "What about ya? Haven't ya ever wanted to join a guild?"

"Hmm... Well, I think I had an interest in it once, but I don't know if I ever did," Levy replied, her face contorted in thought. "Losing fives years of memories is a bit annoying. Lucy and I tried to find out something about our lives before the accident, but everything led to a dead end and her celestial spirits refused to tell her anything. We then decided that I was too pregnant and had more important things to worry about, like the future."

"Ya didn't worry about who ya might've left behind?" Gajeel questioned, his heart starting to break all over again.

"Of course I was worried about that! I was incredibly frustrated by it, but there was nothing I could do without my memories," Levy defended herself. She took a breath before continuing. "My children grew up without a father because of me. For all we know, he was probably left heartbroken thinking we had died or something."

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