Epilogue: A New Beginning

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Okay, Ghosts. I finally finished this final chapter that I promised @BanRedfox94 forever ago. And this will be a long chapter. There was a lot to fit into it. *Cheesy grin* Also, I'm sorry about the last paragraph. It's about 4:15 am and I'm getting loopy. Thanks and enjoy!

Several months had passed, and Levy and her children were living with Gajeel and Lily. The small woman had been elated to gain her memories back and could not bring herself to return to the small village where she had raised her children.

Yajeh and Shutora were happy to move to Magnolia where they were allowed to join the guild and refine their magical skills. There had been the small ordeal of moving their belongings into Gajeel's house, but he had plenty of room for them. The twins finally had a father in their lives and were constantly badgering him to take them on the most dangerous of jobs. This was a bit of a concern for Levy as she sat in the guild hall, awaiting her little family's return from a particularly difficult quest.

"I'm sure they'll be home soon," Mirajane, the silver-haired barmaid and she-devil, reassured her with a soft voice as she placed a bowl of soup in front of the worrisome mother.

"They've been gone for a week, Mira," Levy whined. "Their job was only supposed to last a few days." Mira gave her a sweet smile and patted her hand.

"Gajeel is their father and an S-class wizard. He won't let anything happen to them," she spoke soothingly, but Levy could not shake her anxiety. Before she could make a counter argument, however, the guild doors shot open, and in raced her oddly excited children - well, it was odd for Yajeh to be as energetic as his sister anyway.

"We're back!" Shutora shouted, making a bee-line for Levy.

"Welcome home," Mira greeted them.

"Oh, I'm so glad you two are okay," Levy breathed and stood to intercept Shutora into her arms.

"Tch... Why wouldn't we be okay?" Yajeh had begun to mimic Gajeel's headstrong attitude in the months they had been living together. It was not much of a change from his usual personality, but it still warmed her heart to see their similarities coming to light.

"You guys were gone too long this time," Levy stated, still clutching her daughter as Yajeh sauntered up to the pair. "Where's Gajeel and Lily?" Yajeh blinked, seemingly taken off guard by the question.

"They were really tired so they went straight home," Shutora quickly interjected. "We actually came to collect ya."

"Collect me?" Levy asked, suddenly suspicious. She eyed her son fiercely, hoping to unhinge him. He began to sweat, and Shutora rolled her eyes.

"Relax, Ma," she retorted easily. "Just come with us. We've got a surprise for ya."

"A surprise?" Levy questioned.

"Yaj, yer up!" Shutora commanded, swiftly escaping her mother's arms.

"Wha - eep!" Yajeh had a stony expression as he quickly threw his mother over his shoulder and carried her back out into the crisp evening air. She flailed and protested for a moment, but her son had inherited his father's strength.

"See ya tomorrow, Mira!" Shutora called as she followed them outside.

"Tora, you tell me what's going on this instant!" Levy attempted to put authority behind her words, but Shutora simply grinned.

"We're goin' on an adventure!" She sang cryptically.

"An adventure at this time of night?" Levy huffed in defeat.

"Well, it's more like a tour of the town," Levy heard Yajeh clarify.

She sighed and accepted that her children had kidnapped her. In a matter of minutes, they had arrived in Magnolia Park. Her son placed her on her feet in front of a mournfully familiar tree. She fought back a shiver before spotting something strange about the trunk. Upon closer inspection, there was a small, purple jasmine pinned to the tree by an iron stud. On the ground lay a folded piece of paper.

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