A Familiar Place

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The guild listened patiently as Lucy told them the full story about the accident and all the events that happened after. Shock gripped the room as they learned who the two teenagers were and why they were here. Gajeel had a sour look on his face the entire time due to all the unwanted attention. As Lucy finished her explanation, the group was split amongst the crowd, answering random questions from the guild.

Shutora was in her element. She confidently showed off the magic she inherited from Gajeel and proudly spoke of the moment she finally met her father. Yajeh stayed near his sister and awkwardly answered the few questions directed at him. Lucy had wondered off to catch up with her old teammates, Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Juvia. Natsu seemed to be glued to her side - always sure to have some physical contact with her. This really annoyed Gray.

"Chill out, Natsu. She's not going to float away if you stop touching her," he complained, drawing notice to the way Natsu had suddenly shifted to keep his elbow in contact with Lucy as she leaned forward at their table.

"Mind your own business, Ice Queen!" Natsu retorted angrily. They simultaneously jumped up onto the table and butted heads.

"You want to repeat that, Ash Face?!" Gray sneered back. At the name, Natsu tackled Grey off the table and a roaring fight ensued.

"I was wondering when that was going to happen..." Lucy commented with an amused look on her face. Wendy rolled her eyes, but smiled at the two men.

"You can do it, Gray Darling!" Juvia shouted, cheering on her husband. The rest of the guild's attention was caught by the loud confrontation, and more cheering and heckling joined the chaos. Shutora was elated, watching the fight, and Yajeh looked astonished that two guild members would fight with each other so violently. Levy ran up to the table where Lucy was sitting with Gajeel, Jet, and Droy following leisurely behind her.

"What's going on? Aren't you going to stop them?" She asked, eyes full of fright.

"Don't worry about them. This was the norm back in the day. Although I am surprised that they still haven't grown out of it," Lucy explained calmly.

"They looked like friends just a moment ago..." Levy muttered.

"They're more like brothers. They have each other's backs when it counts," Wendy interjected with a grin.

"It's true that they still fight like children every now and then, but we have guests tonight. I shall put an end to this," the armoured woman, Levy learned her name to be Erza, announced as she stood up. She walk up to the two men grappling on the floor and gave them each a solid conk on the head. "That's enough, you two!" Gray held his wound and groaned. Juvia ran to comfort him. Natsu, however, was rendered unconscious.

"Will he be okay?" Levy asked, staring at the pink haired man drooling on the floor.

"Yes. His fidgeting around Lucy was irking me as well, so I made him go to sleep for now," Erza replied, as if nothing happened.

"Okay then..." Levy said with uncertainty. She was suddenly very intimidated by the red head.

"So, Levy, how are you feeling being back at the guild? Anything seem at all familiar, yet?" Erza inquired kindly.

Levy shook her head, "no, but everyone is very energetic so it's been fun meeting you all." Levy gave her a smile as she said this.

"There's no rush, Levy. We're just happy to know you're alive," the red head smiled sweetly at the little woman. Maybe she was not so scary after all. They were interrupted, however, by the very old master drunkenly addressing the crowd.

"What're you bratsh just sitting 'round for? Our girlsh are back sho let's party!" The whole guild erupted with cheers at their master's slurred words.

"Master! You're too old to be drinking so much. You need to take better care of yourself," Mirajane scolded him.

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