How You Met

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In this section, the triplets are the same age as in the show, but in other sections they are older. Idk if anyone cares, but yeah 🤷‍♀️


Huey- The two of you met at Junior Woodchucks. You were one of the few girls, and you were one of the best out of everyone. Huey tried his best to do better than you, and a playful rivalry ensued. The two of you slowly became inseparable.

Dewey- You two first met while Dewey was on an adventure with his family. He was running down the sidewalk, and accidentally bumped into you. That led to you two talking, and you helping him on his quest.

Louie- You were at Funzo's Funzone watching your little brother as he was playing in the ballpit with the other kids. You looked over and saw a boy your age, playing on his phone. He had felt your eyes on him and looked over at you, giving you a friendly smile. You both met up there several times after that, and you got to know him better.

Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera- You had worked at Starducks as a barista for several years. All the customers who came in were really nice, but you had to admit, you had a favorite. Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera. One day, you were going to see your family, when you saw fire trucks, police cars, and various other emergency vehicles in front of your family's house. You began to run, when you spotted something out of the corner of your eye. You backed up, and looked down the alleyway. There stood Gizmoduck. Well, Gizmoduck's body with Fenton's head. You were confused for a second, but then realized what was going on. Fenton was Gizmoduck.

After he explained that you couldn't tell anyone about him being Gizmoduck, you went to your family's house. The police told you that if it weren't for Gizmoduck, your family might have been burned in the accidental fire that had started.

Mark Beaks- One day, Mark Beaks was checking his social media, when he saw that he was no longer #1 trending, but rather (Y/n), a singer who had just become famous on a televised talent contest. He was initially upset, but after looking at her page, he could see why she was trending. He thought she was beautiful.

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