(A/N): Sorry

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so I've made a big fucking O O F. For all of you who have read this book and probably, more than likely looked at the Story Description, and wondered;

"Hey, this shit doesn't make any sense, the book itself talks about one thing, then the description over here says another thing. Wtf."

Well, about that...

See, when I was first starting this book, I originally planned Travis to be out looking for a job because his father won't support anymore because he moved out and refused to work for his dad and take over their company, and stuff like that, bur instead when I went back to planning the story, I found that I wanted him to be more.... Idk, I wanted him to be hermit. It just fit him since he was the bully in highschool, And when highschool is out he starts thinking about how he was and such and wanting to change but it's too late, blah, blah, blah, but anyways, I'm really sorry for leaving that like that and forgetting to change the Description after I rethought the book, some of you are probably really confused if you even read the description. So, thanks for not getting mad... Uh... Enjoy? 😅

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