There Are Darker Places

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What?! Two updates in one day?! Inconceivable! Enjoy.


"Let's go out for some drinks!" Yelled Tommy. I internally cringed at his loud voice. Nikki and Vince agreed and they spent the next ten or so minutes getting ready, and yelling playful comments at each other while I just sat on my armchair in the corner of this shitty apartment with no front door. They paid no mind to me, watching their antics. I was associated with them but I feel I'd always be an outsider. They soon left, all but forgetting I was there. I don't mind, this is just how it is.

I sat in my armchair a few minutes longer, enjoying my cigarette as the clock ticked by. The room was dark, the brownish walls were stained with various substances and the burgundy carpet tinged and burned from hairspray and a lighter. Trash from the previous nights party was scattered across the room.

I put out my cigarette, grab my acoustic guitar and put it in its case. I awkwardly climb out of the window and down the steps to the road. I start walking down the street, the opposite direction of the Sunset Strip. I mostly watch the ground pass under my feet and the buildings from my field of vision as I walk closer to my destination. While the Sunset Strip might appear as "edgy" to some, it was too popular, crowded and obnoxious for me to feel comfortable there.

The members of the new band I joined, recently coined "Mötley Crüe" was a bunch of fucking teenagers. Yeah, they were my band mates, and I'd look after them as if they were my friends, but I don't think that we'll ever actually understand each other. I'll keep pretending to have deep conversations with them, I'll let them think I'm connecting and sharing with them.

The buildings somehow appeared darker now, and the streets, dirtier. It had gotten darker since sunset, and the lit telephone poles were farther apart. I switched the guitar case between by hands. The street seemed littered with druggies, cigarette butts, used needles and the warm smell of colitas rising up through the air. The moonlight now shown on the street, reflecting off of a few windows.

I loved watching the interaction between them all, though. I love watching Nikki smashing Tommy's head onto tables, somehow gently and a way of showing affection. I love hearing Vince bitch about what he's going to wear, or his makeup to Nikki and Tommy. I loved watching my bandmates show their love for each other, in their own way. I'm happy that they can have that. As long as their happy, I won't disturb that.

I come across a set of steps, and I made my way up the chipped cement and knock on the door. It's opened immediately.

"Mick. It's been a long time, come in."

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