The Cuddle Puddle

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This was extremely rushed, so it's probably shitty. Sorry. Just think of it as fluffy crack.


"Vince is such a fucking bitch!" Axl complained.

Steven covered his little ears. He knew this had to stop. He escaped the room with a few quarters. Steven quietly left the house and down the street to the nearest payphone. He inserted a quarter into the slot and punched in the number for the Mötley Crüe residence.

"Hello, this is Tommy Lee of the Mötley Mänsion, who's this?" Tommy's voice answered from the other line.

"Hey. This is Steven Adler. You're tired of the fighting, too, right?" Steven asked, hearing Vince bitching in the background of the other end.

"Yes. Very tired." Tommy exasperatedly sighed.

"We need this to stop if our bands are ever going to be friends." Steven added. "I have an idea though. How about we organize a secret cuddle puddle-"

"-a what?" He heard Tommy laugh.

"A cuddle puddle! We get everyone together somehow and get them to cuddle!" Steven exclaimed, getting a weird look from a strict looking woman walking past.

"Steven, I don't know..." Tommy runs off. Steven frowns.

"Actually... that could work. I should try to get Mick and Nikki in on it, they're tired of the bitching, too." Steven's face lights up once more.

"Yeah! I'm going to try to get Izzy in it, too because I don't think Axl trusts me that much." Steven says.

"Yeah, okay! Let's do this." Tommy exclaimed, determined.

So for the next two months, Tommy and Steven had been planning a cuddle puddle. They agreed it would be held at the Mötley Mänsion. They would tell GNR that Nikki wanted to get high with them, to show that he's still on good terms with them. Nikki, Tommy, and Mick promised that Vince wouldn't be there. GNR agreed to go, on those conditions.

It was the day of the cuddle puddle, and GNR had all piled into a taxi to the Mötley Mänsion. Axl was slightly pissed, so he decided to sit in the front with the driver. The ride over was awkward, but short, thankfully. The door opened to reveal none other than Nikki Sixx.

"Hi Nikki!" Slash said in excitement.

"Slasher! What's up?" Nikki asked with equal excitement.

"We came to see you!" Slash said. Nikki mocked surprise.

"You did!? Well it's a good thing I had this small bag of happy pills!" Nikki grinned.

"Come on inside!" He welcomes them through the door as he handed them each a pill, which they swallowed back dry. He led them to a living room type area where they all started small talk.

"Where's Mick?" Duff asked.

"Oh he's just showering, he'll be down later." Tommy said. He leans down to whisper in Stevens ear.

"Mick is giving Vince his happy pill." Tommy said. Steven giggles.

They were all lounging around on the couches when the effect of the ecstasy kicked in. Izzy and Duff had begun cuddling with each other and Izzy was running his fingers through Duff's hair. Steven, Nikki and Slash were all cuddling and stroking each other's hair. Nikki's face was in Steven's hair while he played with Slash's ringlets. Axl was awkwardly trying to cuddle with Tommy.

Mick finally came down from some stairs, a blonde girl with blue eyes holding his hand, who had apparently taken happy pills, too. They laid on the couch with them and cuddled with each other.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Abbi." Mick said.

"Hi!" Abbi said with a happy smile and a wave. She then cuddles with Mick even more. He wraps his arms around her and plays with her hair. Vince walks down the stairs too, looking like a lost puppy. Everyone looks surprised and nervous.

"Vince!" Axl yelled.

"Axl!" Vince yelled back. Steven and Tommy looked at each other in fear. Vince runs down the rest of the stairs and towards the place where Axl sits.

The next thing they know, Vince was in Axl's lap, his face in his neck and both of them laying down. Cuddling. They were both playing with each other's hair.

"Your hair's so soft, Axl!" Vince exclaims as he runs his fingers through Axl's hair. Axl blushes.

"Thank you, Vinnie." He says. Slash looks over at them both with sad eyes. He wanted to cuddle with Axl!

"Axie!" Slash whined.

"Slashy!" Axl whines back.

"Wanna cuddle with you, too!" He whines again.

"Then c'mere!" Axl says. Slash crawls over and spoons Axl while Vince hugs him from the front. Tommy came over and they started using him as a pillow, and Nikki spooned him. Duff and Izzy come over and lay on top of all of them. Mick and Abbi lay on top of all of them. But sooner or later they all become intertwined and somehow, they're all touching. Tommy and Steven look at each other with accomplishment. The bitching has ceased, once and for all.


I hoped you guys liked it. Don't mind the random girl though, my friend asked me to write her in :)

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